The unexpected twist !!!

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Rita hands starts to shiver and she was stunned...😳😳😳

Rita : What did you say...???

Rain : Yes Ma am pregnant....

Rita : Rain..!!!
You said he never liked you...

What the hell happened...???

Did he force you when he was drunk...???

I will kill that Bastard...!!!

Rain : No ma..
Listen to me...

He never hurt me...

Last month I was on my HEAT and I didn't have any supplements so he helped me...

It's not his mistake...

He never forced me...

I agreed when he asked my permission because of my HEAT...

Rita head starts to spin...

Rita : Rain..!!!
Let's talk to his family...

This is not good...

First they hide his past from us and now you're pregnant with his baby...

And he never values you...!!!

She immediately takes her mobile to call...

Rain stops her...

Rain : Ma please don't...

Last night I thought a lot about it...

It was not his mistake that I got pregnant so we can't blame him...

And I don't want to make his family to force him to be with me just because of the baby..

I know he will never accept me...

Even though he accepts me but he will never love me or my baby...

He will just accept me because of his family's force...

I don't want to be an option in his life...

Rita : But what are you thinking to do baby...???

Rain : Ma I will make my baby to come into this world and I will take care of it...

I will study and work hard...

Just for a year I will stop my studies then I will continue it...

Rita : Rain...
It's not so easy as you think baby....

I know the pain being a single parent....
You have seen me struggle bringing you up...

Yes mom I know I thought a lot about it...
But please think standing in my position

When I don't have any value from him how can I lead a life with him...

I do have my self respect still left in me

And I really have a strength to take care of my baby...

After so many conversations finally Rita agrees with Rain's decision...

Rain : Ma I have one more request...
Please don't let anyone from his family come here to speak to me...

And don't let anyone from his family know that am pregnant...
Even Payu...!!!

I want peace...

Rita : But Rain...
They will definitely come here to speak to you...

Rain : I have thought about it Ma...
I have a solution for that as well...

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