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Hi!! I- uh.... It's been awhile. I'm very sorry for that. I wish i had an explanation but i don't. I'm just lazy. Again I'm truly sorry! Thank you everyone for reading and waiting for the next chapter to come out! I have so much planned for this story and i swear i never forgot about it! Love you guys!
{Gojo's thoughts} [Geto's thoughts]

Geto POV

"What would you like to do?" I ask him.
"Can we sit in the jacuzzi?" He answers. I look at the girls.
"Sure that's relaxing." Shoko says tiredly.
"Ok let's get changed!" Utahime says and helps her girlfriend up and to their room. I walk up the stairs and into our room. I sit Gojo on the bed and walk into the bathroom to grab our damp bathing suits hanging on the side of the tub. I pull off my shirt and brush my hair out. I hear Satoru giggle from the other room.
"You're so hot babe!" He says and laughs. I roll my eyes playfully.
"Eyes to yourself please!" I say and laugh as i pull down my pants. I pull off my boxers and slowly slide the cold swimming trunks on. I pull my hair up into a ponytail before walking back into the bedroom with Satorus bathing suit. I throw it at him.
"Don't look~!" He says and laughs with a wink as he slowly pulls off his shirt. I shake my head with a chuckle and watch him. He then bends down and pulls his pants down all the way without even bending his knees. He looks up at me and winks. I feel my cheeks heat up. He then does the same with his boxers. I watch as he grabs his trunks and slides them up painfully slow. He then stretches his arms up above his head and yawns. I walk over to him and kiss him and slide his glasses up. He kisses me back and rubs his nose against mine before he pulls away and heads out of the room. I follow him.

Gojo POV

I walk out to the back deck into the cold air and head over to the hot tub inside the wooded floor. Shoko and Utahime are already in. I step in and sigh as the warm water travels up my leg. I fully get in and sit down, with a smile, across from the girls. Suguru then gets in and sits next to me. He puts his arm around me and i scoot closer to him. {this is so relaxing!}
"So what should we talk about?!!" I ask happily.
"I don't know." Suguru replies.
"One sec I'll be back." Shoko says and gets out. She grabs a towel and walks inside. {shit. I forgot a towel.. meh it's prolly fine} Suguru kisses my head.
"You didn't bring a towel." He says to me.
"Yeah i know." I say and swish my hand around in the water.
"That's ok. We can share." Suguru says and swishes his hand in the water next to mine. I giggle.
"How are we gunna share a towel?! Your fat ass is gunna hog it all!" I say and laugh. He cups water in his hand and throws it up at my face with a laugh. I laugh and push his hand down under the water. Our hands wrestle a bit under the water as he tries to bring his back up and i keep pushing it back under. Shoko then comes back with sodas and lots of snacks. I smile widely and throw my hands up in the air. "YAY!" I say and Suguru chuckles. I watch as Shoko steps back in and sits next to her girlfriend. "Let's play truth or dare!!" I say happily. Utahime makes a face.
"Really?" She says bugged.
"Yes really!! It'll be fun!!" I stick my tongue out at her. "I'll go first!!" I look at Shoko. "Shokooo~ truth or dare!!" I say with a smirk. {i have the perfect dare for her!!!} She looks at me and rolls her eyes.
"Truth. You were planning something and i didn't wanna find out what it was." She responds. I make a pouty face. {nooooooo i was gunna dare her to drink the lake water!} I sigh.
"Umm" i think for a good truth to ask her. {i don't have anything to ask her! I basically know everything!} "Um" {come on think!!}
"You have five seconds." She says. {AH!} I look around for inspiration for a question. "Five." She starts counting down. {THINK!}
"Uh how do you heal using cursed energy?!" I say the first thing that pops in my head. I face palm at my question. Utahime laughs.
"You know, you just do it." She says with a grin. {ughhhh} I sigh. Suguru laughs.
"Better luck next time." He says.
"Shut up." I snap at him and he just laughs. I grab a handful of Doritos and shove them in my mouth. I then grab more and eat them.
"My turn." Shoko says. "Geto. Truth or dare?"
"Truth. I don't trust you enough to give me a dare." He responds.  "How do you  possibly put up with Gojo every day and night?" She asks and i gasp. Suguru chuckles.
"Most of the time I have to use a muzzle to keep him quiet." He says with a straight face. My face heats up.
"Gross. I don't want to know about your sexual role plays." Shoko says and Geto just shrugs. {he's never used a muzzle on me before... i bet that'd be fun..}
"Utahime. Truth or dare?" Suguru asks.
"Truth." She says.
"You guys are wimps!" I say and roll my eyes. I wipe my nacho cheese Dorito dust hands off in the water and i watch the lightly orange water gets mixed in from the jets.
"Ru don't do that. It's gross." Suguru says quietly to me.
"Oh sorry." I whisper back.
"Ok. Utahime. Are you top or bottom." Geto asks casually. I laugh and Shoko chokes a bit and Utahime's face goes red.
"bottom" She says quietly. Suguru nods. I laugh but yelp loudly when the deck lights suddenly irritate my eyes and a pain pulses through my head. My boyfriend turns my face to look at him. He holds my face in his hands.
"Are you ok?! What happened?" He asks and looks into my eyes that are peeking out from behind my glasses.
"The lights.." i say and pull my glasses down to rub my eyes violently to sooth the pain. Suguru takes off my glasses and puts his hand over my eyes and i keep them closed.
"I feel like lately his eyes have been getting more sensitive." Shoko says. "Maybe he should try covering his eyes with something else." I feel Suguru move a little and i hear crinkling and then a pssh sound.
"Here. Drink this to get your mind off the pain." Suguru says and hands something to me. I take it and bring to my lips. I breathe in and can tell it's sprite from the smell. I drink it and it tickles my nose. I rub my nose and keep drinking it. {she's right.. lately my eyes really have been more sensitive than usual. I hope it stops.. they really hurt when irritated..} I listen as someone gets out.
"I'll be right back." Shoko says and walks inside. I take another drink of the soda. It tingles down my throat and tickles my nose. Suguru kisses my nose. I smile at him.
"Is this helping?" He asks and moves his a hand a bit as it still covers my eyes.
"Not really but i like it when you touch my eyes!" I giggle. "It's cute how gentle you are! And it feels so comforting!" I take another drink. I hear Shoko walk back and she kneels on the deck behind where I'm sitting in the tub. Suguru moves his hand. She then ties something tight around my eyes.
"There. This towel should be better at keeping the light out of your eyes." She says and she gets back in. I laugh a bit.
"Uh ok." I say and look down at the water. {i probably look so dumb right now.. this is so embarrassing...why can't i just be normal like them. They don't have to worry about covering their eyes or someone hunting them down or always being sent out on missions or always having to make sure they excel in everything or-} A hand caresses my cheek and snaps me out of my thoughts. I lean into the warm touch. My boyfriend then gently kisses my forehead.
"It's ok. No one is going to judge you. I think you look cute. Let's just keep having fun." Suguru whispers to me and kisses my ear. I smile and kiss him. He kisses me and brushes my cheek.
"Ahem. We're here too." Utahime says with an eye roll.
"Sorry!! I just couldn't resist my one true love! I forgot you didn't know what that feels like!" I respond and smile at her offended expression.
"Excuse me!! Ieiri is my true love!! Not everyone and their lover has to have opposite colored hair, techniques that complement each others, similar names, and stupid personalities to be true lovers!" She snaps at me.
"Let's keep playing." Suguru says.
"My turn!" Utahime says with a smirk. She looks at me. {Finally!!}
"Gojo. Truth or dare?"
"Dare!" I say and smile.
"You're going to regret that i think." I hear my boyfriend mumble.
"Go jump in the lake naked." Utahime says.
"Weak." Shoko says.
"Easy!" I say and stand up.
"I'm starting off easy. It'll get worse. Just wait." Utahime says and watches as i step out. Suguru looks at me. I pull the towel off my head. It hurts but she said naked and technically im not fully naked with a towel on my head. I grab the top of my trunks and slowly slide them down. Suguru whistles at me and i laugh. They finally reach my feet and i step out. I wink at my friends and walk towards the lake. {this is so easy!} I reach the dock and jump in. The cold water sends chills through my whole body. I swim up to the surface and brush my soaking wet hair back. I climb out and walk back over to them. I walk all the way back and slide my swimsuit back on before i get back in the steaming water. I sigh in relief. I grab my glasses and push them on. My eyes hurt and give me a headache but it's better than being humiliated by that stupid towel.
"See! Easy!" I say and smile. "Shoko! Truth or da-"
"Truth." She cuts me off. {aww stupid!}
"Ughhh! Ok... uhhh"
"Who do you love!!" I blurt out. {for real? That's all i could possibly think of?!} I sigh. "Well that was the stupidest question ever." I say and everyone laughs.
"Utahime. Easy. Now my turn. Utahime truth or dare?" Shoko says.
"Dare." Her girlfriend replies.
"Ok. I dare you to get your hair wet."
"What!!??? Nooo! I don't want to wash it!!!" Utahime complains. {that's literally so lame.} She sighs and dips her head under the water and Shoko laughs. "Whatever now my turn. Gojo. Truth or dare."
"Dare! Make it the worst one you can think of!" I say with a grin. She smirks.
"Ok. Go in the lake and swallow five mouthfuls of it." She says with a wide grin. {shit. I really walked right into this. But i refuse to pass up a dare!} I stand up.
"Uh no. He can get really sick from that. Please change it." Suguru says and grabs my hand.
"He doesn't have to do it. He can say no." Utahime says.
"I'm doin it!" I say and i pull away from my boyfriend and trot down to the lake. I jump in. The freezing water goes up to my neck. I then dunk under and open my mouth. I swim down a bit so water fills my mouth all the way. I then close my full mouth and swim back up. I pop out of the water with my mouth as full as possible with disgusting lake water.
"Honey you don't have to." Suguru says from the jacuzzi. I give him a thumbs up and swallow the first mouthful. It rushes down my throat, infecting it. I cough and gag. I hear the girls laugh. The cold water makes my legs start to feel numb.
"That's one! Four more!" Utahime yells. I smile and dunk back in. I do the same thing and pop back out and swallow it. I gag louder. The girls keep laughing.
"Ru you can stop." Suguru says. {i can taste every detail in this infectious stew but i don't want to give up..} I cough.
"I'm ok!" I say back. I dunk back under. Seaweed brushes against my foot and scares the crap out of me. I gasp and water gets in my lungs. I then swallow the rest of the water in my mouth to try and help me to breath but it makes it worse. {I'm sure I'll be fine if i drink more..} I start drinking the gross concoction to try and help but i accidentally breathe in a whole mouthful. My body gets hot and my limbs move faster to push myself back to the surface. I pop out of the water and i feel like I'm sweating. I try to cough but i can't. I cant breathe. I start panicking like crazy. I yank off the covering on my eyes and open them to try and teleport out but the second i open them, they sting from the dirty water. I try to climb out but i slip and slam my jaw on the dock and fall back in.
"Are you ok? I heard that." Shoko says.
"Did you finish?! I feel bad! I was going to tell you that you could stop!" Utahime says. {Help! Someone help me!! I cant breathe!!} I try to get out again but i can't lift myself up, i just slip and fall back in. {i wasted my energy panicking and i don't have any more breath left to pull myself up! I'm going to die like this!! Oh my god this is so embarrassing!! But I'm so scared!!} I try once again to get out but i fall back in. When i fall back in my head goes underwater and i breathe in water from my nose. I grab at the deck frantically to keep me up as my legs get tired.
"You can come back now!" Utahime says.

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