Good news

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Hi!!! So sorry for the long break! There was a family emergency! I hope you enjoy this chapter!!
Gojo POV

I wake up with a snort. I rub my eyes and yawn. I hear soft rain hitting the window. I grab my phone off the desk and it's still on a call with Suguru. The battery is almost dead and the call has been going for 6 hours but Geto is still on it. {He's the nicest. I fell asleep and he kept the call on so he could be there the second i needed help.} I put the phone to my ear and can hear him breathing on the other end. I smile. I look at the time and notice it's 9 o'clock. {He must've stayed up really late to see if i was ok... he's a morning person..this is late for him} I slide out of bed and walk to the bathroom with my phone in my hand, still on the call. I brush my teeth and then walk out to the kitchen. I open the fridge to see leftover pizza there. I then notice the room looks clean, like actually clean. {He even cleaned up after us. I should do something for him today} I pull out the cold pizza leftovers and sit at the small table. I open the box and grab a slice and shove it in my mouth. I eat it and listen as i can start to hear shuffling on the other end of the phone. I finish eating that piece and shove another in my mouth. The shuffling on the phone stops and i can hear muffled noises.
"Suguru. You awake?" I say and take another bite. The only response is mumbled nonsense. I laugh a bit at the cute muffled sleep talking. I eat the rest of the pizza which was a total of six pieces and i walk to the fridge and pull out the brand new chocolate milk gallon. I open it and drink from the carton. I put it back and walk to the bathroom. I pee and then brush my hair. I brush my teeth again and walk into the bedroom. I throw off my clothes and set my phone on the dresser as i open it and pull out an oversized baby blue sweater and some jeans. I get dressed and then pull my bacon socks over my feet. I slide my blue sneakers on and grab my glasses and phone before i leave. I lock the door and walk down the hall. The floor is slippery from the storm and the rain is now falling lightly outside and the sky is dark from the clouds. I walk all the way to Sugurus room and hang up the call. I pull a key out of my pocket and unlock the door. I walk in to the familiar dark and peaceful room. I walk straight to the bedroom. Suguru is sleeping in his bed all cuddled up. His breathing is calm. His hair is all messy and covering his whole pillow. His foot is sticking out from under his blanket. I smile and walk over to him. My smile turns into a smirk and i smack his ass. He jumps up quickly and my face is met with his foot. There's a loud 'smack' and i fall on my knees. {well...guess that's what i get for being annoying.} I rub my cheek and look up at him. He's now sitting on the edge of his bed, his hair is all tangled and messy and his eyes are wide.
"Ru! I'm so sorry! I didn't know that was you! Are you ok?!" He says and puts a hand on my head and ruffles my hair.
"Yeah I'm good! I should've known you'd have reflexes like that!" I say and stand up. I sit on the bed next to him and he kisses my cheek.
"Ok good. I'll go get ready. You think of what we should do for the day, it's Sunday so there's no classes." He says and i watch him walk to the bathroom. I stand up and sigh. I make his bed as nicely as i can. I walk over to the bedside table and look at the framed picture of me and him. We're at the beach. Shoko took it of us when we were messing around in the ocean. Suguru is smiling so happily. His arms are around my waist. My arms are stretched out, trying to push him away as his wet hair is dripping everywhere. I smile as i remember the fun we had that day. {We should go on another trip! It'd be so fun!! Shoko and Utahime can come! We can go on a double date vacation!} I get so lost in thought that i didn't sense Geto behind me till he wraps his arms around my waist and hugs me from behind, leaning his head against mine. I jump a bit.
"Oh! Hi honey!" I say and pat his hand that's wrapped snuggly around my stomach.
"Hello. Did i take long? What were you thinking about?" He asks. His breath tickles my ear and sends a thrill down my spine.
"We should go on a vacation! With Shoko and her gf! It'd be so fun to get away from here!" I say excitedly as i continue to look at the picture on the desk.
"Sure. I'd love that. It'd be so calming to get away from missions and school for once."
"Yeah!!! Let's go ask Yaga when we have a free week! We can go then!!!" I say and grab his hand. I pull him with me as i run out of the dorm and down the hall. I hear him laugh and he follows, right behind me, our hands still glued together. I turn down a hallway and immediately let go of Getos hand. An old man is standing there talking to Yaga, thankfully facing the other way. Suguru stands next to me and gives me a reassuring smile and he pats my back. We wait for their conversation to be done with. When it's finally done i step forward. "Hey Yaga!!"
"What do you want, Gojo."
"Soooo when's the next time me Suguru, Shoko and Utahime have a free week off???!!"
"Um. Not sure yet. Why-" the old man butts himself into the conversation, cutting off what Yaga was just saying.
"Your free week starts now. It goes till Saturday." He says sorta rudely. {Uhh ok you rude old sag of meat. I waited to talk and you just butted yourself in like you own the world. But if i fight he may take that back so don't say anything me.}
"Thank you." I say and bow my head a bit. I grab Sugurus sleeve and race down the hall, to Shoko's room. I kick open the door. "SHOKO!" I yell. She pops her head out from her bedroom.
"What do you want idiot." She says and rolls her eyes.
"Pack your bags!! We're going on vacation!!! You, me, Suguru, and Utahime!! We're going to a private lake house!! I just decided it!" I say excitedly while jumping up and down. Her face lights up and she smiles a bit.
"Cool. I don't know how you pulled that off but nice. This'll be fun." She says and emerges back into her bedroom. I whip around to face Geto and i throw my arms around his neck and kiss him. He instinctively puts his hands on my hips and kisses me back. I press our noses together and smile.
"This will be so fun." I whisper and he smiles back and nods.

Hiii!!! Thanks for reading!! I hope you liked it!! I'm excited to post about their vacation!!! I'll try and update soon!!! Love you!!!
*1310 words*

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