Chapter 7

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After gathering all of the necessary ingredients it was time to perform the spell. I guess we would know soon enough if I was a witch who did not know they were a witch or just crazy.

"According to the Book of Tides, you pick a spot where the spell is being performed and cleanse that area by burning frankincense in one of the shells. Then light the sage and eucalyptus bundle and run the smoke over any person's body that is present. Next, you cleanse the space the spell will be cast in. Last place the sage and eucalyptus bundle in the second shell and allow it to keep burning throughout the ritual."

"Seems pretty straightforward to me."

"I agree Rachel, but where should we set up the ritual?"

"Where do you feel the closest to your mother?"

"Hmm. I suppose I feel closest to her in her bedroom."

"Then you have your answer."

"Let's take everything into the bedroom then, starting with this coffee table full of books." I set the books on the couch and proceeded to the other end of the coffee table. Rachel grabbed ahold of the end of the table closest to the kitchen and we carried it into the bedroom. Then we went back for the ingredients and placed them on the table in the room.

"I am going to spread the map out on this end of the table. Could you set up the candles in their holders and place them on each side of the map for me Rachel?"

"I am on it."

"Now that the map is out, the candles are placed, and the pendulum is lying next to the map let's cleanse the room."

"I am starting by lighting the frankincense and placing it in the shell at the top left corner of the map."

"Now that the frankincense is burning let's light the sage and eucalyptus bundle." Once the bundle was lit, I moved it up and down Rachel's body, then mine, I walked around the room with it, moving it gently from side to side. Then I moved it over the map, candles, and pendulum before placing it in the shell at the upper right corner of the map, still burning.

"Now to light the candles. It says to start at the northern candle and light them clockwise."

With the candles lit there was only one thing to do. "Now for the moment of truth."

"You can do this Luna. Just remember to concentrate on where the captain is. You find the captain; you find your answers."

I picked up the pendulum and began moving it over the map. Once positioned over the center of the island I began swinging the pendulum in a small clockwise motion. Making small circles around the center of the island.

"Where are you, captain?" I asked aloud, over and over again. Keeping all of my concentration centered on the question and the pendulum. After several minutes with no signs from the pendulum, I expanded the circle a little. Once again there was no response so the circle widened. This happened several more times until the pendulum was swinging in a large circle at the island's outer edges.

Just as the thoughts of defeat began to pull on my mind I heard a sound. It was Rachel. "You are doing great, keep going." Her voice snapped me out of my funk and back into concentration mode. Shortly after that the pendulum stopped moving and dropped onto the map.

"I did it," I exclaimed with a real feeling of accomplishment.

"You did, but where is that?"

"It landed in the water outside the cove. Right in front of the cave I discovered. What the hell? How is that even possible? The captain was dressed like you and I. He wasn't wearing a wet suit and he did not appear to have wet hair. I must have messed up the ritual. That figures." I said as I walked away, defeated.

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