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✧・゚: ✧・゚: - :・゚✧:・゚✧

MUSIC IS PLAYING softly in the background, and loud voices fulfill the big room as i am stepping inside the cozy cavern. full house today, i think, while looking around.

the interior is wooden and pirate-like. there are plenty of tables with seats that are mostly taken. and then there's a big bar in the middle of the room.

i do hope that no one really notices me, but i don't think that really works today. ninety percent of the guests here are men, and most of them have already perceived my presence.

with slow steps, i walk over to the bar and sit down on one of the wooden bar chairs. no pirates are in here, i've already noticed that. well, no real pirates, of course. nowadays, it seems like everyone can identify as a pirate, but in the end, your actions show if you're a real one.

as soon as i sit down, i can feel a man sitting down next to me, and i immediately have to fight the urge to roll my eyes. classy.

"good afternoon", he says, and i cringe as i turn towards his direction. the next thing i do it observe how the gentleman looks. short brown hair, marine, freckles on his nose, and big green eyes. cute, but again, a marine.

he gives me a hopeful smile, which causes me to almost laugh. "good afternoon", i reply dryly.

"what is a beautiful young lady like you doing in a cavern like this?", he asks me, and this time, i really have to stop myself from laughing.

i give him a simple smile. "she's trying to get around this boring afternoon", i answer.

"oh, but this afternoon doesn't have to continue being this boring. you are lucky you have met me! how about i buy you a drink", the dark-haired gentleman says with the smile remaining on his lips.

does he really think a woman like me would start something with a man like him?

"you would do that? thank you so much!", i say kindly. i mean, who would say no to a free drink? the man nods his head quickly, and i still think he's kinda cute. but a fool too.

so he buys me a beer and himself, of course, too. i take a sip of the drink and look around again to see if any pirates are around myself.

"so, what's your name", the marine asks me while my gaze is on the red paint my lipstick has left on my beer bottle.

"rea", i answer and look back up to him, "and yours?".

he looks quite happy when i ask him back, which i find quite amusing. i didn't expect this afternoon to be this funny.

"oh, my name is naoki. thanks for asking. rea is a beautiful name, by the way", he compliments and i raise one eyebrow. that's not even my real name.

"thanks", i answer and take another sip of the beer.

"how come i have never seen you here before? are you new in this town or something?", naoki then asks me and im slowly growing tired of this conversation. he seems to really want to get to know me, and im not really interested in that.

so i look down to the gold watch on my left arm and let out a disappointed sigh. "naoki, i am so sorry, but my mom wants me home at 3, so i really have to leave now", i say with a sad tone and a fake pout on my lips.

"oh, that's fine. family is the most important thing on this planet! but i do hope to see you again one day", he says and really sounds a bit disappointed, and i wish i could say the same, but i can't. i also just lied to his face completely. i neither have a mother nor a family at all. so no, family isn't that important to me.

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