Chapter 17 - The Ultimate Spider-Man: Part 2

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Time didn't wait for anybody.

The Prowler couldn't wait for his spider-variant to keep up when his enlarged heart slowed him down. He felt bad having to leave him on that street, but he knew it was also for the best. The Green Goblin had his father... his variant's father... and he was going to save him, whatever it took.

He didn't care what odds were against him or what kind of hand he was dealt.

His twin was a fighter.

But he was a survivor.

His hot pursuit of the Green Goblin took them up to the Brooklyn bridge, high above the suspension towers where a drop from that height would mean certain death. Up there, they exchanged blows with their arsenal, the young vigilante on the defensive.

The Goblin's combined use of his gadgets and multiversal powers kept him at bay; he was getting more creative with his portals by the minute, and the Prowler couldn't fire back with Jefferson Davis tight in the villain's grasp. He needed to change his tactics. What he lacked in superhuman strength, he made up for with his own resourcefulness.

His cloaking device... much like his counterpart's camouflage ability.

Circling his enemy with his grappling hook, he waited for him to chuck more of his stupid explosives... then vanished in a cloud of smoke.

"P-Prowler!" cried Jefferson, fearing the worst; the Goblin's hand was now around his collar than his throat, which meant he could breathe a little easier.

The Goblin sighed in annoyance and turned to his hostage with his eyes rolled up. "I'm getting bored... aren't you?"

"To hell with you!"

The Goblin was more amused with this response than offended. "You've got heart... you and your spider-son." He was suddenly in the mood for a conversation. "So... how'd it feel when you found out?"

The cop glared through his spectacles, sealing his lips.

"I mean, you being a cop and all, you must know how it feels to be in the line of duty. How must it feel to know that your baby boy has been doing the same thing right under your nose for... how many years?"

Again, the man refused to answer him.

"Especially with... whatever condition he has." The Goblin bounced his eyebrows. "Yeah, I saw the tube sticking out of his backpack." Jeff's feet were now dangling above the suspended lanes, but he still refused to show this green menace any fear.

"My son isn't afraid of you..." he groaned through his teeth, "... so why should I be?"

He flinched when the Goblin, in the blink of an eye, raised his other hand and caught something that neither could see. His green face maintained its smugness as his purple opponent uncloaked, his LED eyes wide in shock... he had his gauntlet in an armlock.

"You're getting predictable."

In one violent wrench, a thunderous crack rippled out, and the Prowler let out an agonizing scream... by the elbow, he had bent his arm ninety degrees the other way. The Goblin kept his hold on the broken arm, refusing to let either of them go.

"TRY HITTING MY FACE WITH THAT GAUNTLET NOW!" His voice was back to full screeching volume.

"F-Fuck you!" cursed the Prowler, struggling regardless.

"Why are you so eager to save this man anyway?" asked the Goblin, quieting again. "You don't exactly look like a superhero, and it's not like you have any business here."

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