Chapter 16 - The Ultimate Spider-Man: Part 1

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Some minutes after her panic attack, Gwen found a wall to slump down against

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Some minutes after her panic attack, Gwen found a wall to slump down against. Her limbs felt hollow, devoid of any muscle, as she rested her head between her knees. She could hardly stand anymore, not with the heaviness brewing in her heart... it felt like a hot metal ball.

Is this what he feels in his chest every day?

No... whatever he's feeling right now... it must be a hundred times worse.

All her friends had grouped around her supportively, which only worsened her guilt. She should have gone with him. She should have been there to support him, to watch out for him. How was it that Spider-Woman could protect everyone except the people closest to her? She wanted to curse everything and everyone... she was so sick of blaming herself.

Peni stepped forward and squatted next to her; despite being the smallest girl in their group, she looked biggest right now.

"Give me your goober." She reached her hand out; it wasn't an order, but a friendly request. "I'll see what I can do to fix it."

Gwen looked up to this girl, whose animated eyes glowed with generosity, and mechanically handed it to her. "Can you?" she pleaded.

Peni nodded while rotating the device. "To put it simply... the explosion from that power generator must have rippled out a current of energy that short-circuited all our devices and everything they're linked to... even across dimensions."

"Hold up, I built my goobers from scraps." Hobie interjected, frowning confusedly. "My ones should work independently... how the bloody hell is that possible?"

"Because whatever energy was stored in that generator unleashed a multiversal EMP, causing a domino effect of the same magnitude."

"So... everyone's stranded, then?"

"Yes," Peni affirmed with slight annoyance, "but I should be able to bypass something, if we're lucky."

Gwen stood up, placing her palms together. "Whatever you must do... just do it, please!"

Peni smiled with her eyes closed, nodding again, as she marched off with her device.

As she watched the Japanese American leave, Gwen selfishly prayed that wherever Peter was, he wasn't chilling in his own earth... she wanted someone, anyone, in Miles' dimension protecting him. She also prayed that wherever Miles was, he had for once made a selfish decision; she wanted him to run and hide than fight... but fearfully, she knew better.

Time was racing faster than ever... while also snailing.


Jefferson Davis was in his police car, his red and blue siren blaring, as he patrolled the city. By now, daylight had started to turn orange while shadows heightened on the buildings; night would be upon them soon... a long and arduous one at that. He was on high alert, ready for anything like he always was as an officer and lieutenant. Every minute, every few seconds, his glare would shift sideways, up and down, then forward again; it was a learned habit.

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