Chapter 7 - A New Day

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Days became weeks until the doctors were sure that their unusual patient was nursed back to health and could leave the hospital without too much trouble. The time until then had been spent on routine medication and physical therapy. Everyone was there to support Miles throughout his progress; things were finally starting to look better.

When all was said and done, Miles could finally return home.


Miles' room had never been more of a sight for sore eyes than now; everything was just as he had left it, even the toy collectible that Gwen had absently ripped out from its package.

Sitting up on his bed, he bathed himself in the morning glow that spilled in from the windows. The teen couldn't believe how liberating it was to breathe properly again, even with a nasal tube that he had attached to a stand next to his bed.

"Today is a new day." he said quietly to himself; his voice had come back too.


Coming out in his Visions Academy uniform, his breathing tube now fixed to a special little backpack of his, Miles was greeted by his mom and dad at the table.

"Morning, champ."

"Morning, dad."

Miles didn't even make it to the kitchen when his mom came over to shower him with hugs and kisses before she went on to fix his blazer, which he didn't mind at all; he was just glad to have both his loving parents.

"Have you checked that you have all your books?" she asked in her usual firm tone.

"Si, ma."

"And everything else?"

Miles nodded quickly.

His mom wore a bright smile on her face, yet he could still see a faint twinkle of worry in her eyes. "I can't tell you enough how happy I am to see you out of that hospital gown."

"We'll still have to make a few visits, though."

She nodded, acknowledging that fact, then finally let go of his clothes to let him have breakfast.

Now at the table, Miles could feel his parents' side-glances as they quietly enjoyed their son being able to eat independently, even if each bite had to be taken in smaller quantities than he was used to.

"I reawwy... miffed your food, ma."

"Thank you, but please don't talk with your mouth full, okay?"

Miles hummed as he continued chewing spiritedly.

"Tonight, we're having some friends and family over for dinner." she then said.

"Really?" Miles swallowed his food. "What's the occasion?"

His dad chuckled, taking his wife's hand, both beaming at him. "Should be obvious what we're celebrating."

Miles couldn't help but snicker warmly when his dad gave him a wink.


Another thing that Miles didn't expect was for his mom to ride along in his dad's police car as he dropped him off at school.

"You didn't have to come, mom." he stated sheepishly, bunching his shoulders in the back seat. "Not that I'm trying to sound ungrateful or anything." It wasn't that he was embarrassed; he just didn't want his parents overextending themselves for his sake.

Thankfully, his mother understood. "You may be Spider-Man," she said, looking at him in the rearview mirror, "but you are our son first."

"We are in this together." his dad added. "Copy?"

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