Chapter 5 - A Temporary Solution

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The Spider-Man of 2099 spent his late evening swinging around his futuristic city to not only blow off some steam, but also to try and clear his head. No matter how many petty criminals he caught and rounded up for the authorities, however, he was unable to shake this nagging feeling in his head.

Did Miles Morales truly debunk the canon?

He had even suggested it himself the other day, but now, he was second-guessing himself... which he had been doing quite frequently as of late. He wanted to believe it, he really did, but what if that wasn't the case.

Exhausted, Miguel found himself atop a skyscraper and sat himself at the edge, unmasking himself, to overlook the neon lights below. Even after eliminating their main threat, his head was still cluttered, restless... he couldn't remember the last time he ever slept.

Not since... his daughter... that wasn't even his to begin with... vanished from his arms.

No... it was longer than that, but he couldn't be bothered to think anymore.

While rubbing this headache, LYLA appeared next to him again, but he wasn't started this time.

"Hey," she greeted, "you don't look like you've slept in years."

"Really? Whatever gave you that idea?"

"Do you wanna... talk about it?"

Thinking about it for a minute, he shrugged. "Sure."

"Where do you wanna start?" The hologram appeared closer to him. "Are you still thinking about the kid?"

"More than that..." he replied, looking skyward, "... what does it all mean?"

This confused the AI. "I don't follow..."

"If the canon was really debunked, how was it all set up to begin with? It just doesn't make sense."

"Respectfully, you were the one who brought—"

"I know!" he interjected. "It's just... what am I doing?"

Both were silent, listening to the city's ambience, until LYLA spoke up again.

"I have a theory." Miguel raised an eyebrow, ready to hear her intently. "What if Miles Morales didn't break or debunk the canon?"

"Go on."

"Think about it, Miguel." She shifted until she was in full view in front of him. "If that spider that was supposed to bite the Spider-Man of Earth 42 bit Miles in Earth 1610 instead, how come neither of those universes collapsed?"

Suddenly, the answer came to him. "Because it was all meant to happen... everything that happened, that we did, was all part of the canon... we just couldn't predict it."

"It also means," LYLA went on, "that his canon event might still not have happened yet."

Miguel turned back to his AI assistant, frowning in confusion again, but then understood. He returned his pensive gaze to the dazzling futuristic city and sighed; he really wanted to retire from all these canon theories, but until then, he had so much work to do.

"Who even knows anymore?"

Putting his mask back on, he dove off the building to resume his night patrol.


The next morning, Miles and his parents were greeted by their doctor. He walked in with a digital notepad, which indicated that he had some news for them.

"I have a solution," he said, adjusting his glasses, "but it's only to stabilize his heart for the time being until he gets the proper surgery."

"What's up, doc?" asked Miles, raising his head a little.

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