Are You Okay?

46 5 2

TW: S/h mention

She asked me,
"Are you okay?"

My answer is always the same,
"Oh yeah, just didn't get much sleep."

I'm not tired though.
I'm far from it.
I'm as rested as one could be but my energy and will power is too low for me to bare.

I've ran myself dry, all the tears I had within me are gone.
All of this because of a stupid comment.

I've sliced open my skin because of a stupid grade.
Even though it was a 'B'.

I can't let myself fall below my normal performance.
I can't let myself be free from the comments people leave.

When will I learn?
When will I learn that these things don't matter?
I don't think I'll ever learn,
This is what I grew myself to be.
The expectations I've set for myself.

I'm stuck in a prison I've put myself in.
And I threw away the key to my cell.

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