A mission and encounter

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Chikara's training under the guidance of Kaede continued with unwavering determination. The following weeks were filled with lessons on stealth, observation, and the delicate art of gathering information.

One clear night during their usual nightly training, Kaede led Chikara to a secluded spot in the forest. Around them, the night was alive with the sounds of nature,the small breeze of the day turning the night cold and the chirps of the birds turning into the hoots of an owl, Kaede instructed Chikara to sit in silence and simply observe.

"Chikara, to become a good spy means being able to gather information without being detected. To do that, you must become one with your surroundings, we do this by blending in with the shadows, that is why we primarily wear black on our missions and cover our faces."

Chikara watched as Kaede demonstrated, blending effortlessly into the environment, seeming to almost melt into the shadows of the surrounding trees. She had become almost like a shadow herself , practically invisible not including the thrum of her chakra.

Chikara took in every detail, the rustling of leaves, the chirping of insects, and the distant hoot of an owl. All of these things obscured Kaedes noises of movement and without knowing she was already there Chikara would have thought the forest was empty.

Kaede stepped out of the shadows she was hiding in and walked back over to Chikara, "Now, it's your turn. Tell me what you observe."

Chikara closed her eyes, focusing on her senses. She started to pick up on the subtle sounds, the movement of nocturnal creatures, bugs under logs and bats in trees, and even the faint scent of the forest, it was a pine forest with a few oak trees scattered around a couple clearings near them.

Gradually, she began to understand that observation went beyond just seeing; it involved connecting with the environment on a profound level, feeling the nature chakra surround and seeping deep into her own chakra system before her concentration was broken.

"Well done, Chikara. Remember, observation is not limited to your eyes. Trust your instincts and senses. This skill will be invaluable in your future missions. But what happened with the nature chakra it seemed to be drawn to you"

"Thank you, Kaede-sensei, I don't know what happened when I was meditating though, the nature chakra seemed to go into my chakra network making me feel, stronger almost, more energetic if anything"

A concerned look appeared on her sensei's face "Well, if it happens again during our meditation in the day tell me, we may have to tell the Hokage if it happens again. But for now go home and rest, you have done well tonight"


Once it was morning, Kaede informed Chikara that their next mission would be a team effort. Chikara was excited to put her newfound skills to the test. Their mission was to infiltrate a bandit camp that had been causing trouble in the nearby region.

Chikara, Kaede, Tenten, and Neji gathered near the village gate to plan their strategy. Guy and Lee were injured and so couldn't come on the mission with them; Kaede took charge, outlining their roles and objectives. Both she and Chikara were tasked with gathering information on the bandits' plans and numbers, while Tenten and Neji would provide support and ensure their safe retreat.

As they ventured into the forest, Chikara couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in her team. The training and guidance from Kaede had prepared her for this moment. The night was once again their ally as they moved silently through the shadows.

Chikara's observation skills proved invaluable, allowing her to gather vital information about the bandit camp's layout and defences. With Kaede's expertise, they managed to infiltrate the camp undetected.
Tenten and Neji executed their roles flawlessly, providing cover and support as needed. Chikara's heart raced as she moved among the bandits, her steps as quiet as a whisper. She transmitted her findings back to her team through subtle hand signals.

Their mission was a success. They had not only gathered crucial intelligence but also left the bandit camp without alerting the enemies to their presence.


Back in the safety of the village, the team reported their findings to the Hokage. He nodded in approval, acknowledging their efforts.

"Well done. You've proven yourselves as capable ninja. Keep up the good work, I advise you all go get some rest"

Chikara couldn't help but smile. With that order she turned to leave but she heard a loud yell "OI Haisha!" It was Sakura, her younger sister.
'Her team must have just gotten back from a mission' Chikara thinks as she begins her way over to her sister and her team. "Kon'nichiwa, imōto how was your day?"

"Not your business Haisha, what are you doing here?" Sakura demanded from her just like they were at home,

"I just got back from a mission Sakura-Chan what about-" she was cut off by a loud snort from Sakura, her team having moved into the Hokage's office making them alone.
"What rank was it, a D Rank! We just got back from a C rank!" She brags loudly as a smug smile appears on her face.

"I'm happy for you imōto, but you were wrong, my mission was a C rank also" at this Sakura went red and got really angry.

Sakura, her voice laced with scepticism, turned to Chikara, her hostility more pronounced.

"Chikara, you should've stayed out of this. You're not cut out to be a ninja. You're too soft and naive for the real world."

Chikara's smile faded, hurt evident in her eyes.

"I'm trying my best Sakura-Chan. I want to help protect the village, just like you."

Sakura scoffed dismissively.
"Protect the village? You're more likely to get in the way. Leave the real missions to those of us who can handle them, I know you're lying about your mission being a C rank, you're too incompetent for something like that."

Chikara's heart sank at her little sister's harsh words. As the two parted ways, there was a lingering bitterness in the air, leaving Chikara with a heavy heart and a deep sense of hurt caused by Sakura's comments.

1049 words

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