Chapter 11

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After some time everyone came in drawing room one by one ,and everyone was having fun when Ethan said

Ethan- let's start the game, I am really excited!

Max- yeahhh!!

Tyson- Layla, Kenny you must have pens and paper right?

Layla- yeah, we do have it Tyson.

Everyone sat on ground in a circle.

Layla and Kenny gave everyone paper and pen.

Everyone started to write on there paper.

Kenny brought a cardboard box and everyone started to put there papers in it.

Ray - Luna,  please distribute the papers.

Luna - hmm( smiled )

She started to give everyone there paper. Everyone started to read it.

Layla - ( in her paper ) I know that you like Tala. Don't worry he will definitely see it.
Layla's expression changed into scared one.
Layla - ( in her mind ) is it this obvious that I have a crush on Tala? Who will it be? Whose name should I take? AHHH!

Ethan - ( in his paper ) hey, I want to know more about you sister will you help me? Don't tell her.
Ethan had a huge smile on his face after reading this.
Ethan - ( in his mind ) I know who would have wrote it!

Kai - ( in his paper ) Thank you bhaiya for taking care of my sister. Back then in India she was the most introvert and isolated person, I didn't even remember when I saw her last smiling or laughing. She is really changed now and that's because of you. THANK YOU!
Kai had a smile on his face after reading it.
Kai - ( in his mind ) you are a really a good brother 'Ethan'.

Tala - ( in his paper ) 9:00 pm at Rooftop.
A smiled curled up Tala's face after reading it.
Tala- ( in his mind ) I knew it that you will think about me ' Luna' , I will be there at 9:00 pm.

Luna - ( in her paper ) I LOVE YOU LUNA
Luna's neutral expression changed into a anxious one.
Luna - ( in her mind ) OHH...........MY............GOD , no its not true you are just day dreaming Luna ( she again open the paper for re check and she was again shocked ) ahh you are just over thinking it will definitely be from Ethan............. Yes it will be from Ethan.
And she folded the paper again in anxiousness and then trying not to think about it but it was coming in her mind again and again.

( Others are not too important so I didn't write them, sorry. Lazy me. )

Hillary - let me start 'Kai'.

Kai - no

Tyson - ( stands up and in an anger pluse sad ton ) I knew that,I knew that........................I thought that you like me but I was wrong you like Kai that's why you thought that, that ' I love you ' is written by Kai not me. ( Tyson closes his eyes in anger )

Hillary - ( giggles and stand up ) I love you too, I just want to listen it from you directly . ( and presses her lips on Tyson's )

Everyone was happy for them. Luna  faced her face otherside and saw Ethan starting.

Luna - Ethaaaan will you stop staring ( as a whisper)

Ethan - noo( as a whisper)

Luna - you are not 12+ yet. ( as a whisper)

Ethan - but you are. ( as a whisper)

Luna - and I have attekates. ( as a whisper)

Ethan - but I don't. ( as a whisper)

Luna grolles with anger.

When this was going on some eyes were on Tyson and Hillary, and some pair of eyes were on Luna and Ethan.

Tala - ( in his mind ) she looks so cute when she is angry.

Kai - ( in his mind ) scaredness and anxiousness are completely visible in her body language , there is something wrong.

Everyone started to take names of eachother ,some were right and some were wrong and everyone was having fun and then Layla's turn comes.

Layla - ( in her mind ) what should I say? What should I say? DAISY!
Layla - Daisy

Daisy - no

Layla was still scared.

Ethan - Kenny

Kenny - no

Ethan said this and looked at Kai and passed a huge smile which tells him that Ethan knows that it was written by Kai,he just don't want to tell everyone that Kai wrote to a child.

Luna - Ethan

Ethan - no

After listening this anxiety was all over Luna but she try to calme her self down.

Kai - Ethan

Ethan - yes

They passed eachother smiles.

Tala - ( in his mind ) I can't say Luna's name directly it will make her nervous.

Tala - Mila

Mila - no

After that everyone was done they had dinner and were talking and enjoying

Layla - ( in her mind ) Tala is looking really happy ( and smile mentally )

Luna's mind was just on that paper and the tension on her face was visible but no one bothered because they were enjoying on there own.

Ethan - Luna didi will you take me to eat ice-cream it's been a long time. ( With puppy eyes)

Luna was snap out of her thoughts.

Luna - ok ( trying not to sound anxious)

Everyone was done with there dinner , everyone started to head towards there rooms.

Tala - ( in his mind ) it's 8:45 pm I should go now. ( smiled )

Tala headed towards rooftop and what he saw there was unbelievable ......................….………………


What do you think who was there on rooftop? Who wrote that paper for  Layla? And who called Tala on the rooftop?

Comment down what you think.


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