Chapter 2: Hacker vs Meister (Battle of Gamers)

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A/n: Just a short chapter for the two gamers of this story as the other is just a gamer and nothing else while the 2nd is a soldier, a GUndam pilot and also a gamer who has a caliber of a master or Meister.

In the world of Punklorde, the world's best and most dangerous hacker named Silver Wolf is playing a game called Genshin Impact. She's currently speedrunning the boss named [La Signora, Eighth of the Fatui Harbingers] at the most hardest difficulty and level.

While she was beating a notification sound was erupting from her phone but she ignored it. She finally beat the boss and went for the next boss. However, before she could go to her next boss for her new speedrun record of most fastest boss destroyer, her phone starts to glitch and it shuts her game out.

This annoys her and asked herself.

Silver Wolf: What's with this device?

Suddenly, she heard a loud sound, which startled her as this almost made her device fall to the floor and break easily.

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