Chapter 1: The Legend in the Flesh

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In the background, multiple voices starts to talk to each other.

???: Ever heard of the legend of the Nameless' other followers named, Gundams?

A childish voice answers the man.

???: Only seen in words from the files I hacked every mission.

But a woman with a flirting, sassy voice answered the man's questions.

???: I do.

???: Oh~?! Tell me more!

The man replied to her in delight. Another man who has a calm but intimidating voice asked the man.

???: Why did you ask us that word? Is it related to our destiny and goals?

???: Hehe. Maybe, maybe not. But I'll let Kafka tell the story.

The woman known as Kafka told the story of the name, Gundam.

Kafka: Let me tell you the story about it: Long ago, in the age of Aeons. One of their kind rebelled against their own for the sake of the other living being's Preservation who still has the will to live on as "humans" as him.

The three people who asked the woman silently paused or gasped. They were surprised at that revelation.

Kafka: Yep, he's an Aeon in the form of a silver human. He has one purpose for why he became an Aeon. "To make all living beings achieve an understanding. Just like how Akivili understood him." All Aeons have begun to feel conflicted about his ideal. He's an Aeon but he still has his humanity. Soon, they began to rebel against the Ruin Author(Nanook), sealing him away back to his ruined planet. Soon enough all Aeons part ways to create their paths as an Aeon.

Kafka: Meanwhile he becomes a follower of the next Cloudstrider(Akivili). However he added another faction that was specifically chosen by him, the Gundams. As the Aeons who lived passed away years later, he's the only one who didn't. 

Kafka: Many questioned his immortality and sanity despite looking like a human in flesh on their eyes. They traveled to the countless stars, trying to understand the living beings who lived there. Even encountering the Swarm armies or the Antimatter Legions so many times, and then finally towards where he disappeared. An era he called the Multiverse.

Kafka: At first, I thought this was just a childhood fairy tale bedtime story you're hearing before going to sleep on your beds. Soon, I awakened from that fantasy as I saw it with my two eyes, the legend existed. *scoffs* Well, how do I know?

???/???: Hm?

Kafka: Elio and I met one of them. Or to be precise, the incarnate of the Aeon himself.

A few hours ago

Rain is pouring down onto this city of New Babylon in the planet of Pteruges-V. Sounds of water dropping into metal structures such as pipes, roofs and more.

On the rooftop of a tall skyscraper, are two individuals facing each other. With their weapons at hand. The person in mechanical armor is standing looking at the view of the city in the night below the skyscraper. Kafka's voice calls out to him.

 Kafka's voice calls out to him

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