Voice Lines: About Y/n & 141 (Part 2)

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(A/n: I made few changes to the chapter 0, so we're technically having a timeskip as we go to the main storyline of the game. In this are some dialogues that the task force have encountered and interesting plots.)


About March 7th: She's always had the attitude and energy of young kids. She even tried to make a battle pose with the help of Soap or Welt. But what's interesting is her attitude of being involved in other's businesses can be a source of her weakness and strength. I guess you can say we have some things in common.

About Dan Heng: The cautious archivist is a cunning spearman as he was battling with us back then. However, he has a past that he can't forget or run away from. I can tell because of my ELS genes telling and showing it to me. His past is much more complicated that they only gave me what they had about his nightmarish past.

About Welt Yang: I can't get a finger on him about his own experience from past till present. His power is summonin or using dark matter energy for attacks, the same power he used when sealing and destroying the Ragnarok ship. It may not look like it from the look of his face, but he has seen bigger issues than just Stellarons or anything at all like our battle and where we came from.

About Himeko: The mechanic of Astral Express. I can't help but feel this nostalgic sadness everytime I look at her face. Hmm? You think I had a crush on her back then? Nah, not possible... Not from what I know of, at least.

About Stellaron Hunters: The faction's work is almost identical to our faction's works from the past. The only difference is their goals. No one knows anything about their origins, Aeon they worship, and their purposes for the Stellaron. Aside from their crimes they committed, each of their abilities are incredible and have endless possibilities. Though they might challenge or allied the 141 one day as their ringleader has sensed our arrival.

About Silver Wolf: Silver Wolf believed that the universe is just another game for her and it can easily be hacked. Even with the best anti-cyber attack defenses are nothing for her. I heard that she had battled a rival fellow in the Genius Society, which is a legendary battle to see. I'm only fearing for our secret to be revealed and her health if she ever hacks into our HQ; The ELS in our world might start assimilating her right off the bat when she enters our secret about the GN Drives and the Gundams. But I think she might have a hard time on the extreme final levels of her game in the universe: Me, Setsuna & the Multiverse itself.

About Blade: The swordsman who was banished from a place called Xianzhou Loufu, and then abandoned his crumbling body and mind to make himself one with his blade. I even heard about his immortal ability, which he quotes: 'The hope that "this will be the last time" always vanishes in bitter healing of the flesh'. I just hope he doesn't cross blades with me otherwise, his own reason for his existence will be gone by my hand.

About Kafka: You might be thinking and believing on the IPC wanted list description about her. Hehe... Nope she's more than that, her origin is from a distant planet who knows and has no concepts of fear at all. Until she met me and crossed blades with her. She saw something inside me that ignited her spirit of knowing fear for the first time. She called it a draw when we're about to settle our match and left in a hurry as IPC officials arrived to try and stop her. They only looked at me and questioned about what happened, I only told them that I've encountered her for the first time and I requested for a duel as a swordsman to test my capabilities. They even checked on my spirit to see if it's okay and they let me go after it. Though, why does my heart feel like I'm entangled with her red strings?

About Elio: What if I ever told you that this ringleader was just a human with an ability to shapeshift any objects or pets? Hahaha... I know it might sound ridiculous but I can sense him anywhere I go. From being a box, to a trash can, to a dog, or even say... a cat.

About Sam: Never heard of Sam, but apparently he is said to be a mech android from the reports of IPC and surprisingly, the claim to be the 5th Punklorde, Silver Wolf. My team ever thought of fighting a mech android robot whether one-on-one, two-on-one, or three-on-one. Just make sure though they end their rivalry, victorious.

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