141 Short (2/4): Going Dark

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A hologram is shown about the current issue while Y/n explains.

Y/n: Verdansk was ground zero back in the Cold War. A city of tunnels, gulags, bunkers, and weapons of mass destruction.

Y/n: This is Victor Zakhaev. He believes in the idealism of Beside Pain. He once partnered with him 2 years ago. Now that his partner is dead, he decides to take vengeance for his friend's death. 

Y/n: The SSF signed treaties for an alliance about this issue and sent in their best to restore order, but Victor knows better. He was trained by him personally. By pulling strings, sowed distrust and divided. 

Y/n: The SSF knew there will be spies around their circle to turn our guns back on each other. Just like what he would've wanted in honor of his psycho-friend. So they decided to call in our organization, CB.

Y/n: Speaking of call, there's also an incoming marriage of the new Benerit CEO, Miorine Rembran and her girlfriend, Suletta Mercury coming up in the next 2 weeks. 

Y/n: His sister, Ericht Mercury contacted our HQ about an intel she discovered. She fears that she needed someone to be trusted with to prevent the current issue from catching up to the venue event of the wedding, near Verdansk.

Y/n: There's also something hidden in Verdansk, and he plans to use it. We don't know for and who will be his hitlist. We're about to enter inside of the powder keg, and he already lit the fuse...

The intel summary was close down by someone pressing the tab and putting it behind it's backpack.

An alarm was blared and it opened a cargo bay door. The sunlight shows the face of Gaz and Y/n aka $, along with other soldiers he hand-picked himself.

Chall: Let's get it done, shall we?

Y/n nodded and the whole team changed their clothing into something else.

Y/n nodded and the whole team changed their clothing into something else

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Y/n: Celestial Being

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Y/n: Celestial Being... This is Bravo-6... Going dark.

 Going dark

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