Chapter 5: I Did Something Bad 🔪

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"Alright guys, so we found out how to kill the horcruxes. What's next?"

"Finding the next horcrux."


Draco rolled his eyes, picking up the Real Duck in his arms and walking off, stroking its feathers. "The next place we have to go Ducky is not gonna be good. In fact, it's gonna be bad."

It quacked in response.

The trio came out of the tent behind Draco. "Draco where are we going?" Hermione asked.

"A bad place."

"There's lots of bad places you will have to be specific. Like is it bad like the pube goblins' layer where goblins grab you and try to nonconsensually shave your pubes off or bad like showers because they wipe the stinky stink off you that you've been accumulating since you were a lil boy and that you smell constantly because it stinks so bad that it makes you high and it just smells like unwashed pubes and anus's and fuzzy armpits with mold growing in them and creating a living breathing ecosystem with stink fairies that live inside you and produce even more stink so that your stinky forever?" Harry said.

"No we're going to Cockzaban. We need to find an inmate who has the horcrux insignia."

"Ok let's go!" Ron shouted orangely.

"It's not that easy. We have to make it to Cockzaban and then break in somehow. We need a plan." Draco said, still stroking the Real Duck but playing with its willy now. The Real Duck was quacking with pleasure, its eyes rolling into the back of its head.

"Fuck plans let's go now." Harry shoved past Draco. "I feel like an old cardigan."

"You are an old cardigan, stinky," Draco retorted.

"Folklore era!" Hermione exclaimed and threw up a peace sign. Draco ran over to her and punched her in the face and slammed her down into the dirt, beating her up until she looked like dirt herself.

"Honestly that was deserved," Ron said, carrying on and following Harry as he started walking through the forest and to Cockzaban.

Draco followed shortly after after twisting one of Hermione's boobs until it looked like a metal slinky.

"Well here we are at Cockzaban!" Harry said happily.

"How did we even get here?" Hermione said, still disoriented.

"I have no idea."

Cockzaban was looming right in front of the five of them, looking devious and spooky. The waves that lapped against the side of the prison were wet.

"We need to find the entrance." Draco said, letting down the Real Duck so that it could lead the way. Draco had a dream the other night that the Real Duck had spent some time as a prisoner in Cockzaban so he was sure it was true and that it could lead the way in.

The Real Duck blinked a couple of times and then walked over to the rocky ledge, right next to the long ocean. It walked off the edge and made a plop in the water.

"DUCKY!" Draco's frown turned upside down (it did a 360).

"We have to keep going."

Draco started crying.

"He'll find us again, Draco." Harry said moodily.

They eventually found the entrance, Draco not helping as he was still sobbing over the duck.

"Ducks can literally swim," Harry said.

"That's a myth!" Draco cried even more.

Finally after entering the entrance, they stopped, as they were greeted by a cloaked figure.

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