Chapter 4: Clear Blue Skies 💦

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(Meanwhile at Malfoy Manor...)

Voldemort stomps toward the massive gray mansion that is Malfoy Manor. The trees are just starting to sprout Cock flowers and there's a huge fence surrounding the property. Tall statues of the most famous Cock's in pureblood history make up the fence. Each Cock is girthier and veinier than the last as they approach the gigantic gate. A pube-lock (a padlock made of pubes) is tied around the fences openings. And it can only be unlocked with specific pube connections.

"I'm home, little one. Daddy's home," Voldemort coos as he spreads open his black cloak and jumps into the air, bouncing back onto his enormous 7 foot dick, in order to raise him up to the lock on the fence. Immediately the pubes of the lock squirm, awaiting the connection they so desperately need.

Dark as a blackhole pubes dangle from the top of his pubic bone. They're so straight and long that they skitter across the ground beneath him. Then, Voldemort starts pulling up his pubes, like rapunzel's hair pulling up mother gothel, until he gathers all of the pristine hair into his hands. The ends of the straight, lucious pubes move on their own accord toward the pube-lock. Once they've connected the gate moans LOUDLY in pleasure, opening its wide doors for Voldemort to enter through.

Once, he's on the other side of the gate, he pats the fence affectionately and whispers, "such a good little one."

The gate shutters, purring in response.

Seeing the gate and feeling the affection always brightens the Dark Lord's mood. But once the gate is closed and has gotten back to work, Voldemort's mood begins to sour. His long cock becomes erect with anger and he picks up his pace and sprints to the entrance of the manor.

Literal steam is fuming off of his head (the other head) creating a huge wall of gray behind him, as it pours out of him.

Once he throws open the massive, thick, beautiful doors of the manor of one of his beloved, he screams a loud scream that shakes the entire house.

"M-m-m-m-m-m-my, L-l-l-l-l-loo-o-o-o-o-or-r-r-r-r-rd-dd-d-d-d?" One of his devoted Cock Eater's asks scardily, cowering in the corner as Voldemort blasts into the main hall, his steam filling the air.

"Do. Not. Speak. To. Me. You. Worthless. Pathetic. Insulant. Little. Fucking-"

"We captured roughly 2 hundred mudcocks, sir." One of the other Cock Eater's interrupts, preparing for death because he spoke without permission.

Voldemort stares at the man. Then, a small, cheeky smile spreads across his face and his dick becomes a little harder, but because of joy.

"Well, why did you just say so? Honestly boy, I almost killed all of you for failing our mission." The Dark Lord begins to laugh. Hysterically. He's laughing too hard his dick is bouncing up and down from the force. His stomach constricts. He cracks a rib, but doesn't even care because he's laughing so hard.

The Cock Eater begins to laugh with him, unsurely. When the Dark Lord does something, the Cock Eater's must follow suit.

Then, Voldemort suddenly stops laughing. "But I wanted the fucking Potter boy. Avada Kedabra BITCH!"

Voldemort's killing curse kills the two Cock Eater's.

He finally turns towards the 2 hundred mudcocks they gathered at the gross school of Hoggywarts. They still have the brown paper bags stuffed over their stupid heads. And they've been corralled with a lasso to keep them together.

A Cock Eater makes a grandiose gesture for Voldemort to take control of the hooligans. Voldy smiles eerily, getting more excited by the minute. Eager to assess the mudcocks Cock's.

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