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It been 2 years since me and bill became friends and we became closer than ever and I even got closer to Tom they are basically my family now!

Bill Changed a lot to he died and cut his hair and got an eyebrow piercing he looked amazing meanwhile tom stayed the same all he got was piercing on the left side of his lips.

We made a band called "devilish"with 2 other boys that were older than us they names are called Gustav Schafer  and Georg listing we call them the G's  .they were shy when I first meet them but we grew on each other.We meet them in the summer.

But a lot has change for me during the summer my whole body changed I grew these things called "boobs"and man...they grew fast they were the size of oranges and MY ASS!?!?WHERE DID IT COME FROM!!.and it's was strange because other girls didn't have them like mines but I wasn't insecure about it just weirdo outside and in the school. And my mom turned into a alcoholic but it's not that bad and my dad is still not shit.

But back to the band.

Us five met in 2001 after a live show in a Magdeburg club, where Listing and Schäfer, who knew each other from music school, watched from the audience while me, Bill and Tom played on the stage. Using the name "Devilish", the band began playing in talent shows and small concerts. It's was really fun!

Bill went on a show called star search and unfortunately he didn't win but I was always there to comfort him.

Tom just got baggier over the years but he funny as fuck and he always teasing us saying "oh you guys are such a cute couple"or "when the wedding"but he wasn't lying though 🤷🏽‍♀️

Georg he doesn't talk a lot when we're out but when it's just the group he talks a lot not complaining though.

Gustav is really quiet but when he get comfortable he talks and curse a lot his favorite cuss word is "mother fucking cunt"who can blame him though that catching as fuck and you can use in almost every situation.

But what can I say we changed a lot!

(My shortest chapter for some reason and I know that this band was in 2001 but I just pick that song)

Me and u-bill kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now