Wake Me Up Inside

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"AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH" Bugbo screamed, his eyes bulging out of his skull. He took a breather and they popped back into their sockets. "I didn't want to remember that", he growled. "That's why I took all those drugs. WHY AREN'T THEY WORKING?"

He considered the possibility that Gradient Joe replaced his pills for Lucky Charms. "No, he wouldn't do that. Plus, they're only available in America"

Suddenly there was a timid knock at the door, "Bugbo, are you okay?" Ah, it was Gerbo. Such a fine friend always looking out for the ones he holds dear... it's almost pathetic, Bugbo thought to himself.

Bugbo tried to hold back his growls. "Oh, Gerbo. I was having the most pleasant dream until you woke me up." He lied. "Now I'll never know what happens next."

"Oh I forgot that when you're screaming it means you're happy. Oh Bugbo, I am so stupid. Oh grub..."  Gerbo sobbed violently.

"Stop that racket Gerbo. You know what they say about the itsy bitsy Spider. Climbing up the Water Spout won't get you anywhere."

"No, I suppose it won't. I'll go back to my Cobweb and snooze a little" Gerbo responded, and crawled back out.

"That was close..." Bugbo muttered. "I can't keep slipping up like this. These outbursts are out of control, they're out of character."

With his eyes scrunched up a little too tightly, Bugbo fell back to sleep.

Sweet dreams bugbo.

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