13. Behind the Scenes

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You got onto the stage to see Sally dressed as a stereotypical director in one of the seats. Julie got on with you; giggling as she did.

"Wonderful, wonderful, now do your best runway walk," Sally swooned. Julie started twirling around, eventually pulling you into her dance. After getting dizzy, you did your best strut across the stage.

Soon Wally walked in from the left wing. He was dressed as a doctor with a cute little lab coat. Julie pulled him in and he too joined the mayhem onstage. The two of you both blushed a bit upon seeing each other. Wally, because you were wearing one of his outfits, and you because- well you didn't know why. Somehow you all gained your composure as Sally took a picture.

She smiled and signaled you all to come down. Julie just hopped off the stage (which, mind you towered to nearly her height) while you and Wally just went down the stairs.

"You look just the most, darling."

"Thank you, could you tell that Julie did my hair?"

"One of her more tame styles I'm sure."

"That's for certain... did she ever do your hair?"

"Yes, but it was mostly just stickers," you giggled at the thought of turning Wally emo. Well, just another thing to go on your bucket list. "You have quite the imagination, darling," that seemed to come out of nowhere.

"Well, thank you, Mr. Darling."

"All in good favor, Ms. l/n!" The two of you shared a giggle.

"Get over here, lovebirds!" Sally yelled across the theatre. Julie was already by her side. "Here," she showed off the picture as you scrambled to her side.

(If you're wondering why this chapter came late it's because of this drawing

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(If you're wondering why this chapter came late it's because of this drawing. Hopefully it was worth it)

While the playfulness of your characters clashed with the ominous stage, together they felt charmingly alluring. "Isn't my photography just beautiful?" It was true, she was using a bulky older looking camera compared to the ones you were used to.

"Just the most."

"Now, who deserves to keep this photo?" You were surprised she didn't just want to keep it herself.

"I will! I will!"

"Julie, you lose half the photos I give you."

"It's not my fault I don't know who keeps cutting them in half and stealing one piece," she pouted. This show's humor was idiotic, and you loved it.

"How about y/n keeps it?" How did Wally's voice always ease your nerves so easily? It felt so calm, but like there was a whole personality crammed into his few words. Wait, what did he ask you again?

"Could you repeat that?"

"How about you keep it," you felt flattered.

"I don't know, Wally. Julie really seems to want it."

"No, no, no, no, no, you can take it y/n." Sally handed the photo to you after Julie's words.

Now that it was in your hands, you couldn't help but feel attached to it. Wally and Julie were both staring in your direction. Speaking of which, you looked different in that photo...

Was your skin always that vibrant? And your hair was near-glowing. Your shoulders weren't always that small in comparison to your head, were they? Your eyes shone brightly, but felt closer to black than they did e/c. The strangest thing about the photo was that you fit in perfectly... you looked so much more like them. It was so subtle that at a first glance you wouldn't realize it, but this wasn't you... was it?

Wait, now that you thought about it, how did this stage fit in Sally's house? There was no way you didn't question how big it was earlier. Some houses seemed to look bigger on the inside, but this was insanity.

The image seemed to dissolve into a flurry of doubts and anxiety. Your breath quickened; a panic attack was coming on. "I-I need to go get some fresh air. Could you join me, Wally?"

"Of course." The two of you left the theatre. Wally reached for your hand, but you were too busy with the arising headache. "Are you alright?"

"Wally... I-I want to go home," you couldn't control your upcoming emotions. A tense frown cemented itself to your face, while your eyes stung with tears. Wally's mouth hung open, a ghost of his usual smile still apparent. His pupils were dilated and shaking. You didn't think he processed your pleas at first. "Wally..."

"You can't- s-stay. I'll- don't lea-" his broken words didn't ease you. He held his head in his hands, breathing faster than you'd ever seen him. "W̶̲̤̋̍̕̚͝E̴͘͘͜͝ĺ̶̠͠C̸͔̈͛̈́̋͗o̵̙̝͈͉̰͗̾m̸̉̔̑ͅE̷̳͕͖͇̾͌͌͐ ̸̹̞̃Ȟ̶̨͔̭͉̹͂̓ö̴͓͕̭́̈́̅m̷͍̺̂͆͆͒Ē̷̬ͅ!?" His voice was demonic, quaking with fury. He'd never sounded like this before; staticky and painful. Your knees gave out and you curled up in a ball of fear on the ground. His voice, still fearful, sounded more normal, "Y/n! We need to-"


"Darling, you know that world isn't real. It took you long enough to catch on. I guess you were so enthralled by the place that your pain subsided. You're stronger than most, but you won't last long. I'll do everything in my power to make sure you survive, they haven't gotten their way yet." He caressed the girl, longing to give her some form of comfort. She had a habit of drowning her agony in those technicolor fantasies. Did she have vivid dreams? He'd have to check if they went back to welcome home.

"This isn't a question of "if," the question is: When will you get back?"

875 words

"I hope you guys liked the little visual I made. How do you like the story so far? At this point even Wally knows how much I'm putting you to sleep though... Anyways, vote and comment your thoughts, and I'll see you next chapter!"

- Coffee

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