12. Back Home

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You'd been lying on your back for what seemed like hours without sleep. It kept going through your head over, and over again.

Welcome Home

Welcome Home



You couldn't take it anymore. You got up, making your way to Wally. "Wally? Where are you?" Calling out, you saw the puppet on the couch. He looked wide awake, but didn't move. All of a sudden, he woke up from his trance and faced you.

"Hello, neighbor. Something keeping you awake?"

"Wally, could you— bring me back to Welcome Home?" His smile faltered at your words. Strangely, he decided to take you anyways; getting up and holding your hand. He brought you to your computer and waited for another "picture show," to come up. He hadn't said a word since.

Looking through the pages, another bug crawled up the screen. It was blue and green; tapping on it led to another video. This one seemed to have Frank and Poppy in it. Few words were spoken between them before Wally took your hand and pulled you through. His puppet self was once again left behind like an empty husk.

You could tell that this was Poppy's barn from the faint glimpse you got of it your first time here. You and Wally were sitting adjacent to each other on a dining table. Beside you two were Frank and Poppy who continued their conversation as if nothing happened. "You know what, Poppy? No one understands gelatin's potential. It's like they say, you eat with your eyes first," Frank defended.

Poppy took a second to answer, "I do? Oh, well now you've got me worried about this new recipe; it's not very visually appealing," she pulled out a tray of- well, you actually couldn't tell what it was.

"Oh, forget what I said, you worked so hard on these. In fact, I bet these could be shaped in one of my copper molds," Frank added.

"Right, maybe I'll make one of these shaped like a butterfly," their conversation went on, but you were most interested in Wally. Sounds stupid; you worked so hard to see the others and now you're fixated on him, but you had a reason. He was watching the interaction with his head tilted towards the table. His facial features were so still they might as well have been painted on. Frank and Poppy were talking about safety when Frank mentioned Wally.

"Besides, we're all safe and sound here, wouldn't you agree, Wally?" The puppet in question's head shot up and he responded.

"Hm? Oh, of course, Frank. There's no need to worry, Poppy," his words could easily lull you to sleep, but even then they seemed more jittery than usual.

"Well, I suppose it's still better to be safe than sorry. Besides, an extra pair of mitts couldn't hurt," you could never get over how motherly she sounded.

"Alright, but you do have three pairs already," Frank added.

"Well, no need to fuss. Here," she gave each of you one of her new creations. After taking a bite, it turned out they were just poppy seed muffins. You decided not to question Frank's earlier suggestion of sticking it in a copper mold, and just enjoyed it.

"This is delicious, Poppy!"

"Oh, thank you y/n, I'm flattered." Finishing up your muffin, Wally was already done with his. You and him bid the two farewell and headed out.

"What would you like to do now?" Wally asked.

"Hmm, I'd like to visit Julie; she seemed very excited last time I saw her."

"Oh, alright then. I'm sure she'll be just as enthusiastic, darling." He steered you towards her house, and you eagerly knocked on the door.

"Helloooo! Oh, y/n! You're back, ooh, we're gonna have so much fun! Do you have time to play a game? I just thought of one- oh, we could play with Sally too!" She was already bouncing on the balls of her feet.

I'm Home! (Wally Darling x reader)Where stories live. Discover now