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Just when Nyeonika was about to enter Nandini's room she bumped with a figure covered in a black blanket.

"Excuse me, who are you?" asked Nyeonika suspiciously .

The person got tensed and pushed Nyeonika due to which she fell down on the floor and the person ran away.

By the time Nyeonika  recovered from this shock the figure was already gone.  Suddenly she heard the sound of machines beeping and her attention went towards Nandini only to find her struggling to breath.

"Doctor " she screamed as loud as possible and soon the doctors entered and told Nyeonika to go outside.

Neyonika was completely panicked, without thinking much she called Manik

"Hello Manik" she said with her shivering voice which made Manik worried.

"Yes Mom what happened? Is everything fine? Is Nandu fine?"  He asked worriedly

"Manik , Nandini " she said and sobbed which made Manik's blood run cold

"Mom is she fine?" He asked while he felt like his heart had stopped beating

"No Manik, come fast" She cried  and cut the call leaving  Manik devastated



As soon as Mom cut the call I waited no more and ran towards my car, Dad kept on asking what happened but I wasn't in a state to reply.

"Manik beta tell me what happened?" asked Dad

But I ignored him rushed to my car.

As soon as I reached the hospital I ran into to it not bothering if I locked the car or not.

When I reached Nandini's floor I found doctors rushing here and there and then my eyes fell upon Mom who was sitting in a corner shivering and crying.

"Mom what happened why are you crying "  I ran to her and saw her pain stricken face.

Mom said  nothing and kept sobbing.

"Nyeo what happened tell us" asked Dad

My hear was thumping as loud as possible due to nervousness and fear of loosing my love

" is she alive?" I asked with a shivering voice.

Mom just cried and hugged me

"Mom you are scaring me, tell me what happened,  is she fine" I cried as I couldn't control my tears anymore.

Just then I heard one doctor screaming something to the nurse which left me numb

"Nurse come fast the patient is not breathing anymore " said the doctor and ran into Nandini's room

I sat on the floor with a thud as my legs had given up.

No no no I can't loose her, I already lost my baby but not her.

My eyes fell on a doctor and I ran to him a grabbed him

"What happened doctor is she fine?"I asked dreading to hear any negative news

"Sir please calm down, we are trying our best but.."

"But what, I want her to be fine, if anything happens to her you will be regretting to be a doctor" I shouted while grabbing him by his collar.

"Manik calm down, he is trying his best we should just have some faith in god" said Dad

"Dad I will die if anything happens to her" I sobbed and hugged him

"Don't worry beta pray to God that nothing should happen to her"

"You are right Dad I shouldn't loose hope " I said determinedly .


I was at the temple present in the hospital when I got Dad's call , he told me to come fast as the doctor said that Nandini is finally out of danger. As soon as I heard this new a bright smile replaced my glum expression and I thanked god  a thousand times for saving my Nandu.

I rushed back to her room to find her talking to Mom and Dad but as soon as she felt my presence she moved her eyes towards me .

Our eyes met, both held longingness for eachother. I could feel tears well up in my eyes. Mom and Dad understanding the situation left us alone.

As soon as they left I didn't spare any other moment and hugged her tightly as if my life depended on it. I could hear her sobbing as her hold tightened upon me.

"I was so scared Nandu, I.. I thought I would loose you." I cried

"No Manik I will never leave you" she whispered in her hoarse voice while crying

I gently cupped her face and stared into her eyes to just find pure love for me.
Soon I took her lips into a passionate kiss . The kiss held the longingness we felt for eachother,  the pain that was there inside us. The kiss made us feel assured that everything is fine.

Due to lack of oxygen we broke the kiss and panted heavily.

"Now that you are with me I will never let you go away from my sight" I said to which Nandini smiled and hugged me.

"Manik how... how is our baby? I don't know why I am feeling empty from inside,  is he fine?" asked Nandini.

This was the question which I was dreading for. How will I disclose this news to her. My heart clenched at the thought of it.

"Nandini see you need to stay strong, I know this news will give you immense pain but we can't do anything rather than just accepting it as God's plan" I said

"Manik I can't understand what your are trying to say. Just answer me if my baby is fine or not" she said nervously.

I took a deep breath , it felt as if thousand of needles were piercing my heart.

"We lost our baby Nandini" I whispered.

I was waiting for her reaction but all I could see was numbness on her face.

"Nandini " I shaked her to get some reaction from her but all she did was sit still.

"Nandini please say something " I pleaded

But all I got was silence, she was just staring at me blankly making me afraid.

"Nandini " I shouted and just after that she let out an ear piercing scream and started breathing heavily.

"Nandini what happened to you , Nandini " I said while panicking

"Doctor" I screamed and soon the doctors entered and injected something in her which made her fall asleep.

" What happened to her doctor?" I asked worriedly

"Panick attack" said the doctor making my heart break into pieces

Why god why are you making this poor soul suffer so much

I sat near her and caressed  her head. Just then I got a call from the police station.

"Sir can you please come to police station,  we have caught the truck driver who hit Mr and Mrs Murthy's car"


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