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"What the f*ck are you doing" I screamed as rage took over me

On hearing me shout both of them came to reality and the man quickly got of the bed while my 'wife' quickly covered her naked body with sheets.

"Wow you are feeling shy to show your body to your own husband but not to an stranger right?" I said sarcastically

"What a cheating b*tch you are" I snarled

"Hey don't talk to her like that" said the man

"Shut the f*ck up you son of a b*tch" I growled and thrashed him .

"Hey top hitting Harshad" said Tanu trying to come in between us but what all I saw right now was red , I pushed her away and gave this man a tight punch.


Tanu just slapped me really hard

"What the heck are you doing, how dare you slap me" I screamed

"What will you do uh? You bloody looser" she spoke harshly

"Why did you do this Tanu, wasn't my love enough for you, If there was any problem you could have told me , I would have tried to change myself for you" I said while my voice cracked a bit

"What would have you done Manik, I am just tired of you. Tanu don't do this don't do that, you always kept on ordering me" she said

"But I did that for your betterment,  you were ruining your health by drinking and smoking" I said

"You don't have to worry about that, it's my life my choice " she said harshly.

"Why Tanu why?  Why did you break my trust, you were just having s*x with some random man on our bed , the bed which held our memories " I cried

"Oh stop your melodrama, yes I had s*x with him because you weren't satisfying me enough, Harshad is everything that you are not,  he let's me do what I want and he even satisfies me enough on bed and I shouldn't even mention about how rich he is" said Tanu and smirked

I just stared at her trying to find any trace of my old Tanu but I guess it's all gone, it's all over.  I looked at the man named Harshad standing beside her while keeping his around her waist and smirking at me.

"Well then if that's what you like then let's get a divorce" I said

"Fine let's get a divorce " she said and then I stormed out of the room.


"Your divorce will be granted only after 6 months but if within these 6 months you guys change your decision and decide to get back together then your divorce appeal will be terminated." said the judge while Tanu let out a frustrated groan

Yes right now we are at the court standing infront of the judge

"We don't these 6 months we have already decided to divorce eachother " said Tanu irritatedly

"We can't break the law" said the judge and dismissed the session

Soon we came out the court and I found Harshad waiting for Tanu. Tanu ran into his arms and gave him a quick peck on his lips


"Listen Manik Malhotra,  I can't spend these six months with you so I am going on trip with Harshad and in between this you can do whatever you want" said Tanu and went away with Harshad

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