Part- 1 of Pleasure - III

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Y/n: d-dad, uhm i-i

Y/d/n: yes dear, what happened say..

Y/n: d-dad I need to go to washroom..

Y/d/n: *chuckles* of course dear, go..haha why do u need permission for this?

Y/n: u-uhm haha just f-for f-fun
(Looks at h/n)

(Y/n went towards the washroom...catching her breathe cause she know that what was coming)

(Her ex was very dominant, and kinky type, he loved to torture her..she remembered those moments when she lied to her parents and spended night with him)

(That moment she saw him at her wedding, she was about to faint, she was happy)

(While enjoying the moment, she didn't realize that someone is trying to get under her big heavy gown)

(She felt a ticklish feeling, and shaked her gown, as she thought it must be a rat or something)

(Mainly, it wasn't a rat but a tiger lol)

She walked towards the stage, as she knew that she have to stand for 1-2 hours straight..

H/n, was having difficulties to walk with her and yes he was the one who entered her she was moving so he also moved with her by taking his baby steps..

She went on the stage and took her position..

Y/h/n: y/n, you look beautiful, are you having any problem?

Y/n: no, I am not having any problem, and thanks for the compliment..

Y/h/n: hmm, btw can we hold hands?

Y/n: sure we can..

(They hold hands)

Meanwhile h/n was getting jealous because he could hear all the conversations, as y/n earlier said, that he was dominating and too much possessive.. he tried to open y/n's panty so that he could finger her.. and he succeed..

Y/n wasn't able to understand what was moving in her gown that's when she understand that something is wrong,
She searched for h/n and as a result she didn't got him, she knew where he was..
If she say by heart, she was kinda happy..

After opening her panty, he sucked his 2 fingers putting some saliva on it, he entered y/n's clit..

Y/n was silent in the whole time, trying her best to control the moan, while bitting her lips..

H/n adds another finger moving it with pace.. he knew she was not so strong and she will cum anytime, just by 2-3 mins of him fingering her, she cummed in his fingers coating it with her white juice..he sucked them, while Licking her pussy, he give small bites and wanted her to moan..

H/n keeped Licking and sucking her until she really moaned infront of everyone..

Y/n: ahh- mhm-

Y/h/n: what happen y/n? W-why a-are you m-moaning?

Y/n: *embarrassed* haha! Just..uhm nothing..

Y/h/n: o-okay..

(Y/n thought to go in her room)

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