(force) I

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Author pov-
A beautiful girl named y/n
sitting infront of the mirror, looking at herself she chuckled
When she remembered her college moments..

The day of her college function she was going to win a crown..
The queen's crown which every girls dreamed of..but unfortunately her enemy took it instead of her cause she slept with the judge thrice..

She belongs to a good family and she wouldn't sleep with anyone else except him, h/n, he was her boyfriend since college but she broke up with him cause her parents forced her to get marry with someone else who she don't like.. that day she saw h/n tears for first time in her life.. his friends said he never cried..

She was shocked and sobbing at the same time.. because she loved him..

That's when someone knocked on the door..

That Day of Marriage (18+)Where stories live. Discover now