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- Dear calendar. Its day one of y/n's coma and no ones said a word to eachother.

- dear calendar. Its the first week of y/n being in a coma and tomorrow their letting us in!

- dear calendar. Today we saw y/n! Well im still at the hospital as i wont ever leave til she wakes up. The others are staying at base but we able to talk to each other now atleast.

- Dear calendar its the second week of y/n's coma

- dear calendar

-dear calendar

- dear



- timeskip -

-dear calendar its been 5 months inti y/n's coma. Ive bene writting everyday just for y/n! Hope she enjoys reading!

- dear calendar

- dear calendar

- dear calendar

- timeskip -

- oh, i guess i started to forget to write in here. Ugh let me think um.. Well off of my last writing which was y/n's 7th month its now been 13 months into y/n's coma. Some of the others at base have given up but i wont ever! Unsure of why, im always going to be here. No matter what.

-timskip -

- dear calendar....

I gave up...

-timskip -

-timskip -

-dear calendar its month 25 of y/n's coma..... Im still here... I don't know why but everyone gave up. I did at some point and cried over her body. But that didn't last long... I've gone home at least 20 times now. Im unsure of what to do. But for now. Im just gonna stick by her side.

- dear calendar. Its still month 25 and I've always talk to y/n everyday but today her finger twitched! I don't know if that's a sign or not but im happy!


- dear calendar.... She lost her memories. First day of month 26

-dear calendar its been five days and I've been happily talking and restarting with y/n! Shes getting released today! Inorder for her memories not to come back too fast shes only allowed into the base and nothing more.

-dear calendar its been a month after y/n's coma! I've still been taking y/n to see the beautiful skys every Wednesday! She lovesss it! Im so happy!

- one year later -

- Dear calendar. Gosh its been a while since i last was on here... Crazy. Its july mid summer. And were going out to see the starts again tonight but y/n's now my best friend again. But I've been feeling different twords her. And its been like this for a long time now. I've finally came to the conclusion. Im in love with a girl named y/n l/n.

//this chapter makes me sooooo sad but after this i will be posting a somewhat of a oneshot for one piece then were back to TR! THANK YOU SO MUVH FOR READING! AS THE ENXT CHAOTER WILL BE MY LAST! THANK YOU SO MUCH😭😭😭 \\

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