caught you!

23 1 0

Sanzu:( just who exactly is taking the time,
this early //2am\\ in the morning to go through
her stuff?! ) it couldn't be the haitani's if it was
their would be two people. Even if just one
wanted to go the other would follow!



What if y/n woke up while i was with mikey?
No no mikey and y/n are next door theirs no way!
I shook my head then started walking to the office.
I quietly opened the door and they didn't noticed.
I turned on the light and once my eyes adjusted,
i couldn't believe my very own eyes. I never
thought id see them doing something like this!


- koko's pov -

I have to admit. I never thought id get caught.

Well not today at least. And by them.

The haitani's...

Ran: koko! You shouldn't be drinking!

Rindou: or counting money! Go to sleep!

Koko: ughhh. I rolled my eyes at the two
brothers. Koko: actually. Sure. I grabbed my
money leaving my wine. Rindou: don't start
counting money in yiru room either! I stoped
in my track at how he already knew my plan.
After a second of standing them i jetted to my
room. What a disaster! I didn't hear from them
again luckily. But i decided not to count money
anymore. I had more important madders. So i
left to down the hall's. I needed to get their before
anyone else did. And lets hope not the haitani's!!!

BROKEN Y/N X MIKEYWhere stories live. Discover now