The Sake Demon

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Haku swung her sword at Akaza who dodged it, the two had been at it for several minutes, exchanging blow after blow. Akaza's fist stopped right before it collided with Haku's nose. He then used his other hand to gently chop her on the top of the head. "You should have seen that coming and dodged." Haku flopped onto the ground. "Oh come on Akaza! I dodged every other one!" Akaza sighed. "Which is better than before, but that one hit would have busted you up pretty good if it didn't kill you." Haku stood up and dusted herself off. "You're right. Thanks for training with me. If I can't beat you though, I don't know what I'm gonna do about Kokushibo or Muzan." Akaza narrowed his eyes. "I wish you'd listen to the flame hashira and stay out of the battle entirely." Haku puffed her cheeks. Kyojuro had tried to convince her it would be best if she stayed back. Haku had refused, and stormed off to train with Akaza.

Now he was doing the same. "My inside knowledge will be crucial, and I can use my blood to help strengthen those of Hashira level. Not to mention Muzan may have new demons to replace you." Akaza sighed again. The two headed back to the Rengoku household which was bustling with demon slayer's undergoing pillar training. Akaza retreated into the forest, not wanting to be seen by the slayers. His cooperation in the battle was on a need to know basis, so seeing an uppermoon on their doorstep would be quite the surprise. Haku entered the house and immediately ran into Kyojuro. He seemed to be deep in thought. "Kyojuro, what's up?" Kyojuro smiled, glad to see Haku had returned. "Haku! Glad to see your face. I thought you'd stay out longer after before." Haku folded her arms. "Akaza gave me the same lecture." Kyojuro laughed. "Did he now? Ah, in regards to your question, we are trying to decide who to send after a little demon problem nearby. I'm needed here to train those here for it, and many of them are far too exhausted to send out." Haku threw up her hand. "I'll go. I already completed your training, and I'm not set to head to Sanemi's for a few days." Kyojuro shook his head. "We can't risk you being on your own and Muzan finding you." Haku waved her hand. "I'll take Akaza with me." Kyojuro was about to protest when the Kekkaishi beside him spoke. "Lord Rengoku, It is quite close, it would hardly take the night." With a heavy sigh Kyojuro relented. "I hate to put trust in a demon, but I trust your judgment. Be careful."

Haku and Akaza arrived at the small hut the demon was said to reside in. "He's rather weak." Akaza commented as they opened the door. Inside was what appeared to be a fat old man holding a jug of sake. His eyes were yellow slits like a cats. "Oh a demon slayer. and.....Lord Akaza!" Fear was in the demon's eyes. Haku puffed her cheeks. She was exchanging blows with an upper moon and managing well earlier, but not a twinge of fear at her presence. She drew her sword. "Akaza please let me handle this." Akaza crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame. "Fine." The old demon eyed Akaza a moment, not sure he was serious about staying out of it. He turned his attention to Haku. He took a large swig from his sake jug and spat it out as a fine mist. "Blood demon art, Drunken Mist." Haku's body felt hot, and she became flushed. The air reeked of alcohol. The demon made his move and attacked Haku who managed to parry the attack despite her drunken state. The demon clung to the ceiling above her and laughed. "Not bad given the sake's done its work." Haku pointed her sword up at the guy. "Ya know~ I can't even legally drink yet in my country!~ Both of you come down from there and fight me!~" Her words slurred. Akaza let out a small laugh behind her. "Both of them? Haku there's only one." Haku turned toward Akaza. "Shut up Akaza! Akazas? Since when are there two of you?" Akaza laughed more and Haku turned pouting towards the old demon. He moved to attack her again and she again parried him. "You must be on par with a hashira." the demon commented. Haku stamped her foot. "I can just handle my liquor!...... Maybe." Akaza was still laughing in the background, causing Haku to puff her cheeks more. "Just watch me! I'll cut both of ums heads off! Inyo breathing first form: Forming clouds of change!" Haku was able to swiftly move and behead the demon. She landed on the ground and stumbled. "See! Yay me!" She stumbled over to Akaza and face planted into his chest.

"Akaza it's hot! I'm gonna take this uniform off." She moved to unbutton her shirt and Akaza grabbed her hands to stop her. "Absolutely not! I am a man you know!" Haku let her head fall to the side. "But you have your shirt off? Akaza! Akaza it's hot!" Akaza had no clue what to do. He threw the woman over his shoulder and started heading back towards the Rengoku estate. Haku flailed her arms. "Akaza~! I wanna ride piggyback! I'm not potatoes! Do I look like potatoes? No! That demon made me potatoes!" Akaza thought he was going to die. He slid the girl onto his back. She nuzzled her head into his neck. "Yay! Akaza's the best! Now ZOOM!" Akaza was in fact zooming towards the estate. He had no clue how to handle Haku being drunk. When the estate came into view, Haku started calling out. "Kyojuro! Kyojuro, look at Akaza ZOOM!" Hearing the commotion, Kyojuro exited the estate and came face to face with a distressed Akaza. Haku hopped off of Akaza's back and stumbled over to Kyojuro. Akaza pointed at Haku. "Never allow that woman to drink!" He then jumped up and vanished. Haku was hanging on Kyojuro who had his hands on her waist to keep her standing. She laughed. "See Kyojuro! Akaza went ZOOM!!" Kyojuro smiled nervously. "Indeed he did. Now what exactly happened." Haku nuzzled into Kyojuro's chest. "There was a demon and he spat sake at me and then there were two and two Akaza's. I cut off the sake demon's heads and then it was hot and Akaza wouldn't let me take off my uniform! Then I was potatoes! Then we went ZOOM!" Kyojuro picked Haku up and headed towards her room. Many of the slayers where pleased, assuming the hashira had found a lover and whispered among themselves.

Kyojuro sat Haku down on her futon. Haku promptly unbuttoned her uniform top, revealing her chest underneath. Kyojuro threw the futon cover over her quickly and leaned over her, his face inches away from hers. "Haku. I try to be as chivalrous a man as possible, but if you undress like that I won't be able to hold myself back." Haku covered the lower half of her face with the blanket and stared at Kyojuro even more flushed than just the drunkenness. They stayed like that a while, staring into one another's eyes. Kyojuro finally let out a sigh and sat up. He patted Haku on the head. "Please get some rest." He stood up and left the room, stopping to look back before closing the door. Haku's eyes grew heavy and she fell to sleep. After some time, Akaza peeked through her window and sighed in relief. The flame hashira had managed to settle her down. He would not answer her if she asked about tonight. He was still flushed himself, imagining her unbuttoning her top. He shook his head. Maybe going for a run before dawn would do him some good.

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