Patrol with Giyu

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Haku walked beside Tomioka Giyu. Rengoku had a mission with a demon that seemed to be a higher level than Haku would be able to handle at this point. As such, she was paired with Giyu for patrol. He was a quiet, melancholic soul that Haku resonated with in a way, but it also irked her. Most of the time he ignored her entirely, occasionally responding. She noticed they were passing the butterfly mansion. "Say Giyu-san. Can I visit Shinobu-san real quick? I want to get some wisteria poison from her to make sutra." Giyu was caught off guard by hearing his first name. He did not mind being called by it, it was just strange. He sighed, not really wanting to be subjected to Shinobu's torture. "Alright. Make it quick though, we have to continue patrol." Haku jumped excitedly, patting Giyu on the back. "Thanks, I'll be back!" She headed into the mansion and found Shinobu Kocho in her lab, busy working on new poisons. "Excuse me, Shinobu-san?" The insect hashira looked up at her. "Oh, Haku-san. Pleasure. What can I do for you?" Haku walked into the room. "Well I was wondering if I could get some wisteria poisons from you. I plan to mix it with ink and make sutras to put on my blade." Shinobu hummed. "Ara Ara what a good idea. It may kill a weaker demon, but would only slow regeneration on a stronger one at best." Haku nodded, aware of the ups and downs of her idea. Shinobu was happy to help, finding a few different mixtures that she thought would be strong enough even when diluted in ink. "There. So what hashira are you with right now? Is it Giyu?" She had a teasing tone. Haku nodded. "Yeah, he's kind of hard to talk to honestly. Sanemi-san was too, but at least he would give me a tongue lashing. Giyu-san just ignores me." Shinobu giggled. "That's Giyu for you. Don't worry, he's really kind at heart, just shy." She patted Haku on the head. Haku sighed and left to join Giyu again. Intimate knowledge of people did not always translate to easy communication.

Luckily it seemed to be quiet around. The only annoyances people mentioned were a few pick-pockets. Haku was lost in thought. What did Muzan want with her? She would not give an ounce of info on the hashira and other slayers. She managed to trip over a rock. She was headed down face first. Giyu quickly caught her. "Careful. You seem lost in thought." Haku blushed as she was only inches from Giyu's face. " just thinking about my first mission is all." Giyu stood her up and waited until she had steadied. "Reviewing your past battles for improvement is admirable, but so is keeping your footing." Haku laughed. "Thanks Giyu-san. I'm a bit of a clutz regrettably." Giyu smiled. He liked the smiling face before him, and her bell-like laugh was soothing. He turned away shyly, blushing slightly. Haku pointed to a tea shop across the way. "Well since we are done with patrol, why not have a snack!" She skipped over towards the tea house. Giyu followed. They sat outside on the bench and ordered dango and tea. When the tea was brought out, Haku excitedly pointed to Giyu's cup. "Giyu-san look! An upright tea stem! Wonder what good is going to happen for you?" Giyu picked up his cup and noted the stem was indeed upright. "Well perhaps the good is already here." He mused to himself. "How so?" Haku asked, gaining a blush from the water hashira. "Oh it's nothing. Just no demons is good news right." He deflected. Haku giggled, satisfied with the answer.

Giyu and Haku headed back to the Rengoku estate. Giyu stopped short of the gate. " Please have a nice evening Haku-san." Haku grabbed Giyu's hands. " Just call me Haku. Also, Giyu, you are so kind. You should make sure to cherish your life. Those who have died before us and for us deserve as much." Giyu was taken aback by Haku's words. Like she had found that piece of his soul that was broken. He reached out towards her but she was already headed into the mansion. Yes, maybe he should, if only to honor those before him.

Haku was happy to see Rengoku had returned from his mission. She rushed forwards and gave him a hug, which caught him off guard. "Kyojuro! Glad to see you're ok! I was worried it was a Twelve Kizuki." The flame hashira returned the hug. "The demon was nothing like expected. You would have done well against it." Haku stepped back, smiling. Rengoku had praised her! 

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