The Monk and the Temple

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Her body hurt. Even moving a finger was difficult. She felt hands sit her up. Water touched her lips. She was unable to drink at first, then greedily sucked down the water. "Slow now child." An elderly male voice spoke. Gently she was laid back down and covers placed over her. She closed her eyes to darkness again.

When Haku woke up this time, she felt a little better. She sat up on her own. There was an elderly monk sitting across the room. "Glad to see you're awake child. Found you half in the river three days ago and brought you to the shrine." Haku was still dazed. What had happened again? There was a demon, then she fell. She pinched her nose. Kyojuro! He had tried to save her. She stood up slowly out of necessity. "Wow now child! You;ve been out for three days. Rest." Haku shook her head. "I can't. My friend... he must be worried sick." She imagined Rengoku was fraught with worry and likely blamed himself. The monk sighed. "At least pay respect to our Lord before going. He's in the temple beside this shrine. I neglected to tell him I had you here and he prefers to know the goings on. He can bless you with safe travels I am sure." Haku sighed. It was only appropriate for her to pay respects. The monk stood and ushered her towards the temple. She noticed many people busy around the temple, mostly women. There was an obvious lotus motif to the shrine decor. Haku felt nervous but continued to follow the elderly monk.

Haku stood in front of a door leading into the worship hall. The lord of this temple was inside, and the monk had entered to inform him of her arrival. After a few moments, he returned. "You may enter." He stepped out letting her enter the room, then closed the door. Haku could hear his footsteps leaving. The room was quite dark, no sun entered it. She moved towards the covered platform in the center of the room, and sat on her knees in front of it, placing her sword respectfully to her right side. The air was heavy. Something was not right. She knew she was in serious trouble when a man's voice spoke. "Now tell me your name dear." Ice ran through her veins as she registered the voice's identity. It was Upper Moon 2, Douma. She grasped her sword, sliding it out of the sheath with her left and grasping it with her right. The sign of respect always put the swordsman at a disadvantage. "I'm Namikaze Haku, but I'm sure you already deduced that much Upper Moon 2 and leader of the Eternal Paradise Cult, Douma." Douma laughed, holding his fan in front of his face. "Why you're just as interesting as Akaza said. Not to mention you killed Daki." Haku went to attack him with her sword, but was quickly disarmed. The demon was behind her, arms wrapped around her and holding her back to his chest. Her heart beat frantically, and she tried to calm herself. " Now we won't have any of that in my temple." Douma chidded. He slowly turned her around to face him and tilted her head up to his. "I wish I could eat you right now. So beautiful and your smell is more intoxicating than any Marechi I've ever had the pleasure of consuming." he ran his fingers through her long white hair. "Lord Muzan wants you alive and relatively well, so please don't make me angry ok." His voice was soft but laced with the venom of a threat. Haku took a deep breath, she only had one option right now. "Inyo breathing, with form, Tori to Uke!" her blood ran hot, muscles going beyond normal humans. She grabbed the demon before her and slammed him down into the ground, snapping his neck and arm in the process. She dashed for the door. It was daytime and all she needed was a little sun to be safe. She made it a few steps before she felt the cold grasp of ice. Her legs were covered in a thin layer of ice, preventing her from moving. Doma stood and snapped his neck back into place. Her attack had given her only a mere second before he healed. The ice quickly cooled her, and her strength faded. Douma moved to stand facing her. He caressed her cheek. "Such a naughty girl. Right after I told you to behave as well." Her body grew colder, her eyelids grew heavy. She slumped into the demon's arms as he grinned evilly. Darkness to her once again. 

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