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Haku stood dressed in a half blue half orange kimono with a sun and moon pattern. It was just like her haori. A charcoal gray sash around her waist. She left her long white hair untied. The exciting news was a local festival. Haku felt strange attending something like this when doom was coming near, but this was the last bit of fun before pillar training. When she stepped out of the estate to join Kyojur, his jaw dropped. "Haku... you look.... You are beautiful." Haku blushed a deep red. "Thanks Kyojuro." Haku followed beside him towards the festival grounds. When they arrived her eyes lit up. There were lights everywhere and stands for food and games lined both sides of the path. Kyojuro laughed, happy to see her smile. "So what first?" Haku put a finger to her lip and hummed. "Food!" She announced with a bounce and headed into the crowd. It took only moments for her to start losing Kyojuro in the crowd. The flame hashira quickly noticed and waited for her to catch up, then took her hand in his own. "So we don't separate." Haku shyly nodded, and the two walked hand and hand to one of the food stalls. They ordered an array of foods, all in large quantities. They found a bench and sat down to enjoy their food. People gave them strange looks as Kyojuro let out blast Umai with every bite. Haku just laughed and enjoyed the food. After they finished, they linked hands again and headed to some of the other stalls. First up was gold fishing. Haku hunkered down and focused hard, determined to get a gold fish. "Focus your breathing. Think of it as training, but more fun!" Kyojuro leaned over her and gave encouragement. Haku took a breath and dipped the net in. with one swift motion, she scooped out a fish. She jumped up in excitement and fell back into Kyojuro who caught her in his arms. She beamed up at him. "I did it! I usually suck at this, but I did it!" Kyojuro smiled and congratulated her. He reached out to take the bag that had Haku's new goldfish friend that was sure to die before the night was over. She took it from him triumphantly and tied the bag to her kimono sash.

The next stall was a ring toss. Haku eyed the array of prizes and her eyes locked onto a pair of hanafuda earrings. They were similar to Tanjiro's pair. She had always admired them, the symbol similar to the Inyo symbol and like that of a rising sun. Kyojuro took notice and stepped up to the stall. With a few quick throws, he had a perfect score. Haku bounced up and down. "Kyojuro that was amazing!" The hashira smiled rather enjoying having his ego stroked. The stall master asked what prize he would like, and he pointed to the earrings. He took them and turned to Haku. He tucked her hair behind her ears and put the earrings on her. Haku stood mouth wide then smiled big, her whole face lighting up. "Thank you so much! But how'd you know?" Kyojuro laughed. He had watched her closely and seen how she lit up when seeing them. He took Haku by the hand to head to another stall, leaving her question unanswered. Haku did not even care to push on it. She was happy. There was an announcement that the fireworks show would start soon. The pair decided to go to one more stall before finding a spot to watch the fireworks. Kyojuro stepped up to the stall while Haku was sucked into the crowd. She pushed her way through and found a clear open spot far away from the crowd. She would have to catch Kyojuro later. Crowds were too much for one little slayer. Haku let out a relieved sigh then called out towards a nearby tree, "I know you're there Akaza. I can sense you." the tree rustled as Akza jumped down and walked over towards Haku. Haku sat down, tucking her knees under herself and patted the ground next to her. Akaza sat beside her. "I'll watch the fireworks with you. Look, they're starting!" Haku pointed to the sky and it started lighting up with colors. Akaza watched the fireworks a moment then looked to the girl beside him. His eyes fixated on her. The light of the fireworks only made her more beautiful. He felt something like a memory tugging at his mind, but it was so long ago he could hardly make it out. In it there was a woman, a woman he felt for much in the way he felt for the girl beside him. When he came back to himself, Haku had a hand on his cheek and a concerned look on her face. "Akaza? Thought I lost you there for a minute." She smiled softly. She knew full well Akaza was drawn to fireworks and knew why. "Did you remember something?" She asked. The demon placed his hand onto hers. "Yes. Not all of it, but....I know I was with someone I cared for deeply. Like now." Haku blushed, and Akaza scooched closer to her, and there under the fireworks, he kissed her. Haku stiffened at first then relaxed. Her heart beat so fast she knew Akaza could hear it. They parted and Haku looked away shyly while Akaza smiled softly. The fireworks ended, and the two just sat together staring up at the moon. Akaza then stood up. "I better go. The flame hashira is looking for you." And with that he vanished into the woods. Haku stared off in the direction he left for a moment. She stood up when she heard footsteps behind her. Kyojuro had a mix of concern and relief on his face. "Haku! I thought I lost you." He held out his hand and Haku accepted it. "Just got sucked into the crowd and had to get away." The two walked back to the Rengoku estate hand in hand while Haku was lost in the thought of her first kiss.   

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