Chapter 16: Tension and love

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Yelena's point of view

Sure it took Natasha like a million years but she finally got it you'd think for someone you were constantly told was a genius would have got it quicker.

Natasha helped me figure out who I was and how I'm so much more then the machine I was to them by showing (in her own way) that I meant everything to her and that maybe I always had.

The best way to describe Natasha is as glue as awful as that sounds well it's because she keeps people together she helped me put my self back together, she help put the family back together (by not checking a kill) and I bet she keep all these idiots together.

But I also think all those things help Natasha put her back together. Sometimes when I'm with her it feels like I'm stuck in time back as two kids in Ohio one clueless one knowing more then she should, I hate to think she still sees me as a helpless little girl that I was back then because maybe I still am the same that I was back then just a little more broken I know Melina and Alexi can tell and do act differently but Natasha doesn't care she still treats me like a little girl that needs protection and maybe I do secretly like it?

"What are you thinking about Yels" I hear a voice ask quietly as I stare into space I turn to see that it's Natasha just staring at the side of my head clutching onto my hand. I don't want to tell so I think of something random to blurt out.

"I'm sorry for breaking a plate over your head and then attempt to stab you and then just being painful honest" I say and to be honest I don't know why maybe it's because I needed to say it.

Natasha looks at me puzzled for a moment almost as if saying 'ok so we're doing this now' she forcefully closes her eyes and then opens them again "Ok, I sorry for slamming you into a cupboard, choking you, letting them take you and telling you that it wasn't real" she says a look of guilt spreading across her face, I'll forgive her but will she forgive herself.

I try to think of something to say "Soooo were even" I say shrugging my shoulders. Natasha let's out a dry laugh "You'll have to do a whole lot more sh*tty things to be even with me but sure" she remarks hiding her thoughts in a laugh and a smile.

"You good?" I ask her and she turns to me pulling herself together trying to look like a bubbly ball of sunshine "I'm fine" She smiles with her teeth. It drives me absolutely crazy, Why can't you just talk to me I scream in my head.

"Sure, Natalia your f**king fine!" I half mutter and scream at her, then something in her clicks and her eyebrows knot together trying not to get angry, but that's what I want.

"Well I am Belova!" She spits through her gritted teeth trying not to drag all the attention to us. I throw my head back and laugh "Really Natalia" I ask and you can see a volcano inside Natasha start to erupt.

She grabs my wrist and pulls me out of the screening room to a small one with only a door to the bathroom and back to the screening room so we're stuck.

She lets go but her nails have left marks on the tender skin.

"What scared to show your friends your angry side Natalia" I say taunting her and theres fire pouring out of her eyes.

"Come on Belova," She rolls her eyes, This is the only time she's called me Belova, it's rarely even Yelena she sticks to Yels, Lena or firefly so hearing my last name pour out of her lips hurts like hell but I guess hearing Natalia out of mine hurts her to.

"What Natalia, Why are you like this! What are you going do Natalia force your self to OPERATE so you never let people know how your really feeling!" I scream in her face and she click's at the code word and her face fills with a glimpse of hurt before the fury takes over again.

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