Chapter 3: You can't take her (Ohio/Cuba 1995)

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Natasha's point of view:

"Mummy your silly, we just left home" Yelena says confused but slightly giggling at her at Melina's words.

I see Yelena looking down sadly she thought it was a joke.

"Огайо был дома" I say lifting Yelena's chin with my hand. She smiles and then scrunches her face like she's thinking "Что это за вещь, которую говорят американцы?" Yelena asks me as I just chuckle at her. (Ohio was home) and roughly (What's that thing Americans say?)

"Дом - там где сердце?" I say her face lights up. "Да все верно" she says a giant smile on her face.
(Home is where the heart is?) and (Yeah that's rights)

"Я думаю, что я наконец дома тогда" I saw looking around when I turn back to her she's looking down. I bet she thinks I'm talking about the avengers. She's jealous. I take a step and do something I usually don't. (I guess I'm finally home then)

I hug her first.

I hold her so tightly it hurts "Я говорю о тебе, идиот, дом там, где ты." I whisper. She then holds on really tight and then looks at me and I see tears falling from her face so I feel free to let mine drop as I re-grab hold of her hand she puts her forehead on mine. "Я тоже тебя люблю Талия" She says as I let another tear drop. As we both sit up I here lots of people go "Aww" and for once I don't care. ( I'm talking about you idiot, home is where you are) and (I love you to Talia)

Sirens blare in the back ground. Then Yelena says "I want my song" Alexi groans and slides a tape into the car and 'American Pie" starts playing from the beginning of the chorus where we left it last. Yelena sings along as we past very American land marks like a football field and I bridge with the American flag all while I blankly stare out the window.

"This is kind of ironic now that I think about it" Alexi mutters. Yelena, Melina and I all turn to him and role our eyes.

The song stops as we drive into a miniature airport. And we all get out as Alexi pull back a cloth revealing a plane as Melina hurry's us out of the car going "Lets go, come on, hurry up we gotta go, come you gotta run" as I pull a photo strip from the sun shield in the car. Yelena is helping pull sand bags out of the way as I stare down at the photo strip before Alexi comes up and says "Ok alright go with you mum" I nod at run towards Melina and she says "Nat hurry up" I start to speed up and say "I'm coming"

Yelena, Melina and I climb into the plane. Then Melina slams the door "Ok, seat belts" She orders both Yelena and I and we both reply with a "Ok." I look out the window "Why isn't dad in the plane" I ask worriedly.

"Aw you care about me" Alexi pesters me. I glare at him "Заткнись Алекси" I say rolling my eyes at him. Yelena laughs before I elbow her in the side and she stops. (Shut up Alexi)

"He's coming. He's coming baby, he's coming" Melina says almost like she's trying to convince herself of it too. Alexi throws a trailer that's blocking the planes way.

"Wait what is he a super solider" They all yell. Alexi looks like he's up to go raving on about himself so I save everyone like 7 hours by saying " He was the Soviet Union's reaction and version of Steve" I say. Alexi looks upset he didn't get his moment to build his ego.

As Melina begins running the plane down the runways. Suddenly sirens can be heard and many black vans come into view. Alexi begins to shot at the vehicles and when one of them gets shot in the front window they swerve to the side and you can see the SHIELD logo on the side. The SHIELD cars begin to shot at the plane narrowly missing my head.

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