Family Christmas

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On Christmas morning, Ellie eagerly unwrapped her gifts. Her eyes sparkled with delight as she pulled the fluffy teddy bear out of the wrapping paper.

"Wow, Daddy! Santa really knows what I like!" she exclaimed, hugging the teddy bear tightly.

Valerie smiled and handed Ellie another small box, adorned with a delicate pink bow. "Ellie, this is a little something from me to you," she said warmly.

Ellie opened the box to reveal a beautiful pink hair bow. Her eyes widened, and she touched it gently. "It's so pretty," she whispered.

Valerie leaned in and kissed Ellie on the forehead. "I just wanted to say thank you, sweetie, for being such an amazing daughter," she said, her voice filled with emotion.

Tears welled up in AJ's eyes as he watched the special moment between Ellie and Valerie. It was a beautiful Christmas, filled with love and gratitude.

AJ looked at his dad, concern etched across his face. "Dad, I thought you and Sarah were still together. What happened?"

Robert sighed heavily, his expression pained. "We were, AJ, but I found out that she cheated on me. I can't trust her anymore. It's over."

AJ put a comforting hand on his dad's shoulder. "I'm really sorry to hear that, Dad. You deserve someone who treats you right."

Robert managed a small, appreciative smile. "Thanks, AJ. I appreciate your support."

As they talked, Sarah quietly left, realizing that she had caused a rift in AJ and Robert's relationship that might never fully heal.

AJ's anger simmered as he felt protective of his father, who had always been there for him. He turned to Sarah, his voice firm and composed. "You've hurt my dad, and I won't stand for it. He's been through enough in his life, and he didn't deserve this."

Sarah looked taken aback by AJ's intensity. "I... I didn't think it would come to this."

Robert nodded, his sadness apparent. "AJ's right, Sarah. We need to move forward separately now."

It was a difficult moment, but AJ was determined to support his dad through this challenging time.

AJ, his anger escalating, clenched his fists. "Sarah, if you don't leave now, I can't guarantee what will happen."

Seeing the determination in AJ's eyes, Sarah finally realized the gravity of the situation. She stood up, her face pale, and left without another word.

Robert sighed heavily, grateful for his son's support but saddened by the turn of events. AJ remained by his side, ready to help him through this difficult chapter in their ldies.

AJ sat down next to his father and sighed deeply. "Dad, you've done so much for me, and you've always been there. I can't stand seeing someone hurt you, especially after everything you've been through. You've sacrificed a lot to raise me, and I don't want anyone to take advantage of your kindness."

Robert placed a hand on AJ's shoulder, appreciating his son's concern and fierce loyalty. "Thank you, AJ. I know I've made my mistakes, but I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

The father and son shared a moment of understanding and solidarity, their bond stronger than ever.

"I have one more gift, AJ" Valerie says giving him a small box.

AJ looked at the baby onesie with a puzzled expression. "Valerie, why did you get a baby onesie? Are you trying to tell me something?"

Valerie smiled and nodded. "Yes, AJ. I'm pregnant. We're going to have a baby."

AJ's eyes widened in surprise, and then a joyful smile spread across his face. He hugged Valerie tightly. "That's amazing news! I'm going to be a dad again!"

Valerie chuckled, relieved by AJ's reaction. "Yes, you are, and I know you're going to be an incredible father."

They both shared a moment of excitement and anticipation for the new addition to their family, feeling blessed by the future that awaited them.

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