The Lonely Groom

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Robert and Eric had decided to throw AJ a bachelor party, but AJ couldn't help feeling a bit down. He didn't have many friends to invite, unlike the typical bachelor party filled with a rowdy group of buddies. However, he appreciated the gesture and knew it was a chance for his dad and Valerie's father to bond.

As they gathered for the party, Eric clapped AJ on the back and grinned. "Don't worry, AJ. It might be a small group, but we're going to make it memorable."

Robert chimed in with a chuckle, "Indeed, and we'll show you that quality matters more than quantity."

AJ managed a smile, genuinely touched by their support. "Thanks, guys. I really do appreciate this."

With that, they started their modest bachelor party, filled with laughter, camaraderie, and heartfelt moments shared between the soon-to-be family members. AJ realized that he might not have a large group of friends, but he had the most important people by his side.

Meanwhile, Valerie's bachelorette party was in full swing, surrounded by her closest friends and family. Leah, her mother, and Emily, her best friend and coworker, had put together a fun and memorable evening. They had rented a charming venue with fairy lights, and the atmosphere was filled with joy and excitement.

As they laughed and danced, Valerie couldn't help but feel grateful for the women in her life. She shared stories, dreams, and secrets with them, and they all celebrated the upcoming wedding together. Emily, who was also a therapist like Valerie, leaned over with a grin.

"You know, Valerie, I've seen you counsel so many people through their life changes, but this one is your own. Are you ready for it?"

Valerie smiled warmly. "I believe I am, Emily. With AJ and Ellie, I know we can navigate anything together."

Leah, Valerie's mother, joined the conversation. "Your father and I are so proud of you, sweetheart. We can't wait to see you walk down that aisle."

The night continued with laughter, dancing, and heartfelt toasts, making it a memorable bachelorette party for Valerie.

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