Words for the Future

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As the sun began to set, casting a warm, amber glow through the curtains of their bedroom, AJ and Riley found themselves nestled in bed. The room was quiet, save for the soft hum of their thoughts and the occasional sigh of contentment. Riley, now visibly pregnant, rested her head on AJ's chest, seeking the comfort of his embrace.

AJ gently stroked her hair, his fingers tracing delicate patterns on her back. With a loving smile, he softly began to speak to the growing life inside her belly. "Hey there, little one," he murmured, his voice laced with tenderness. "I hope you can hear me. Your mom and I have been waiting for you for so long."

Riley rested her hand on her abdomen, feeling the subtle movements within. She turned her gaze toward AJ, her eyes shining with affection. "We can't wait to meet you," she added, her voice filled with anticipation.

AJ continued to share his thoughts and dreams for their child, painting a vivid picture of the love and warmth that awaited their little one. With every word, he was forging a connection, not just between himself and the baby, but between the entire family that was soon to be. It was a moment of profound intimacy, a beautiful prelude to the new chapter they were about to embark upon together.

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