Can't Save Everyone

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AJ walked into their cozy living room and immediately noticed the tears streaming down Valerie's cheeks. Concern filled his heart as he rushed to her side, sitting down beside her on the couch.

"Valerie, what happened?" AJ asked gently, his voice laced with worry.

Valerie sniffled and pointed to the television, where a news anchor was announcing, "As of June 1989, serial killer Adam Vanderbilt has been sentenced to death for his heinous crimes."

Valerie's voice trembled as she explained, "I tried so hard to help him, AJ. I thought that with therapy, we could uncover what led him down such a dark path. But... it wasn't enough."

AJ wrapped his arm around Valerie, pulling her close to him. He understood the emotional toll that her work as a therapist could take, especially when faced with cases as challenging as Adam Vanderbilt's. "Valerie, you did everything you could," he whispered, gently kissing her forehead.

Valerie leaned into his comforting embrace, taking solace in the warmth of his presence. She knew that sometimes, despite their best efforts, they couldn't change the course of certain individuals. But in that moment, she found comfort in the love and understanding of the man beside her, who had been her pillar of support through thick and thin.

As Valerie wept into AJ's chest, he held her tightly, his own emotions churning within. He couldn't help but glance back at the news report showing Adam Vanderbilt's face, a shiver running down his spine. In that moment, he couldn't help but reflect on his own past and how close he might have come to a different fate.

AJ's voice was soft and filled with gratitude as he whispered, "Thank you, Riley, for being there when I needed you most." He knew that it was Riley's kindness and support that had helped him escape the darkness that had once threatened to consume him.

Valerie, her tears slowly subsiding, looked up at AJ, understanding the weight of his unspoken words. She gently touched his cheek and said, "You're a survivor, AJ, and I'm so grateful you're here with me now."

Together, they found solace in each other's arms, grateful for the love and strength they had found in one another.

Echoes of Deciet (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now