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"Who gave you the fucking right to go against me?!" I jolted up from my sleep. Someone was shouting, I was wondering who it was. I rubbed my eyes, I was still half asleep when my door suddenly opened.

"Donald! Stop!" Maria screamed entering the room. "What the fuck are you doing here?!" he screamed at me.

I blinked, my eyes were wide open now, "you had no right to free her!" he screamed at her.

"I had every right if you locked your daughter up! I mean can to not hear yourself?! She is your daughter?!"

I sat up in bed as I watched them argue, "She is my daughter Maria! I will decide what happens to her! You do not teach me how I am going to train her!"

"Donald, she does not deserve this! You did not respect her mother but she deserves respect!"

"Do not speak to me about respect! Was her mother respectful when she fucking ran away with my child?!"

"Donald..." Maria said softly, "You are going to stay out of my business with Rosalia are we clear?!" he asked.


"No! Get the fuck out! Now!" he screamed in her face, making me jump. Maria glanced at me, she gave me an apologetic look and walked out of the room closing it.

Donald turned to me, "you have some fucking audacity!" he said angrily.

"I did not do anything, Donald! Aunt Maria said.."

"Aunt Maria?!" he scoffed. "Get up! Stand up!" he screamed and I got out of bed.

He took big steps toward me and tanked my hand, he started pulling me like a rag dog out of the room, I could not say a word because of the fear in my heart. The rest of the family watched as he dragged me off.

I did not say a word, I did more lead with him. It was useless, he was going to do whatever he wanted and I was not going to plead even if I was at his mercy.y life was rough, but I knew that had to stay strong, I had to survive it and leave this place for my baby.

We got to the room and he threw me in it, he slammed the door shut leaving me there.

I did not know how long I was going to last before I snapped, but I was desperate. I needed to call Eduardo, I needed him to help me out of what I had gotten myself into. What if he knew? What if he did not care? Keeping a pregnancy was going to be hard, every day it was growing. It was supposed to be something joyful but how could it be? I was locked up in a cold small room, I was not even given the luxury of sunlight.

Some father he was...

The door opened and I jumped in fright and nervousness. Donald walked into the room, surprising me. This was the first time he visited me since our last encounter. His minion followed him with a large white box. He always looked like his face couldn't physically produce a smile.

"Daughter," he said and nodded, "stand up, your engagement is starting."

I stared at him as if he had grown two heads, what the hell was he saying?!' why the hell would I stand?! I knew that I couldn't refuse him even though I wanted to be stubborn. I remembered that I needed to keep my baby bump a secret, the less I argued the better for me.

I stood, "I am begging you, Donald, please do not do this. Please." I tried even though I knew it was not going to work.

"Stop being dramatic daughter, this is for your good," he said and turned to his minion. "Drop it," the man dropped it on the men, and he turned back toward me, "I am giving you only five minutes to get dressed, do not test me, Rosalia!" he warned and walked out of the room.

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