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* * * *
"Are you alright?" I touched his face and he flinched, I pulled away quickly feeling like I had hurt him.

"Sir! Can you hear me?" I cast him a worried glance as he tried to sit up. I had closed my eyes at some praying that their captor doesn't remember I was present. I tried to be optimistic but for how long, he suffered very bad torture and was on the floor after about an hour or so.

Rio was a monster even as a nurse I had seen a lot of things but not this much blood on somebody. He was going to die soon if we don't get out.

This was too much! How could somebody be this cruel?!

I looked toward him again as he groaned loudly in pain gaining my attention, I was sure his right arm was broken after that session of torture. I slowly touched his arms gently, trying to pull him toward the dirty mattress but he was too heavy.

If he died, I would die too and I didn't want to die. I had behaved very strong but I was anything but it. I was young, just twenty-two, I hadn't even really done anything worthwhile.

"Sir," I tapped his face again and sighed maybe he needed to sleep it off, I sat back next to him staring at his curled battered body, he wouldn't stop running his mouth! It made no sense that he would continue to enable their captor instead of just begging him to stop.

* * * *

I opened my half-good eye, the eyes watered as I looked around the cell, J needed to ease myself, I groaned feeling the back of my neck strained, I looked down to my arm dressed in green clothing similar to what the woman with me was wearing.

I coughed, the cold was not much but my stomach rumbled in pain, I managed to sit up even though it took all my wheel power and found that the woman had ripped a larger part of her dress.

Even in a rush, I remembered seeing the dress and feeling marveled by it when I saw her in the elevator. I twisted my pounding head slightly, she was sleeping on the dirty bed almost even snoring, her long wavy hair was now becoming more bobby and larger, her hair becoming curlier, small drool spilled out of her mouth.

My eyes moved all over her body, she looked so tired and ragged, I clenched my fist, she was so unlucky getting mixed up with me. Fuck! I needed Benito to find me quickly, I couldn't die here! We had the best investigators at our disposal, they should be able to find us.

They could find me if they wanted to unless they didn't want to do it. I blinked, my mind had never really thought of the possibility. Fuck! I wouldn't have guessed Rio had it in him to be this brutal but I was sitting in smelling cell with a black swollen eyes, a swollen lips and broken nose. I was sure I had fractured one of my ribs.

If Benito betrayed me then there was no way I was getting out of there! I would rot there till Rio decided to grant me death, Fuck! Like a dog, I would die. Was it possible? That Benito would do such a thing?

"Sir?" I glanced up at her, her tired brown eyes had opened, and she analyzed my face trying to find any means of discomfort.

"You are awake," I said looking away not wanting her to see me vulnerable, I was kind of thankful that she had interrupted my thought, I didn't want to think of the possibility that there was a potential betrayal from Benito.

Maybe I did not trust him before and I thought he was the traitor, I trusted nobkdy, that was the only way I survived that long. In my world trusting anyone would be deadly to you. My father drilled this into when I was younger.

She slowly sat up, dusting her the foam of the dirty mattress off her face. She rubbed her eyes, yawning heartily, "are you alright?" she asked staring at his body concerned.

Eduardo's Dandelion.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ