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Tears leaked from my eyes as I realized what Eduardo did, I thought of how he covered me and got shot. How did I not see it coming?! Why did Josephine have gun?! I didn't know what Eduardo's men did to her but I was sure it was not good. I felt awful about what was happening, Mikel, Carlos and the other men ran around while I sat calmly, watching them. I couldn't move my body, I realized that I was in shock, my shakiness was involuntary and I had little control over what I was doing.

"Doctor Fatima refuses! She said Don Mancini will not allow her come!" Alejandro said, I noticed that he was limping and walking with a stick. I wondered why when he first appeared with the wound but I said nothing. I continued watching, wondering why Doctor Fatima would let due Eduardo if Marco Mancini does not allow her come here to treat him.

"Then talk to him! He is going to die if we do not do something quick!" Alejandro screamed at Miguel, who looked at Carlos. I was not sure he wanted to make that call. If he doesn't Eduardo, would die for sure. I didn't know when I stood and marched toward him, I snatched the phone from his hand and dialed the man's number.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Alejandro snarled, I said nothing and turned away from his hateful glare. I needed him to live! To survive!

"Hello? Why are you calling Eduardo?" he said, and I almost busted into tears, "Hi, it Aviva, I... Please... We need Doctor Fatima here, she is needed, Miguel says she would not come without your consent so I am pleading!" I rambled off without thinking.

"Aviva what the hell are you doing?!" Alejandro sneered, from the other side of the room but I didn't say anything. We needed Doctor Fatima there, he was bleeding so much that I didn't even realize what I was doing.

"Oh, this is way better than what I would have expected!" Marco said happily. Why the hell was he happy?! Eduardo his business partner was shot and he sounded unfazed. Fucker!

"Give the phone back to Miguel, I will arrange for her arrival in your mansion on one condition." I passed the phone back to Miguel who put the phone on loud speaker. I looked up at Miguel, who frowned. He was hearing everything that Marco was saying.

"What is it?" I asked, impatiently. "You will be brought to my mansion this night." I looked up at Miguel, wondering what was happening.

As I sat and watched as Eduardo was being taken care of three nurses and Doctor Fatima, Carlos glared at Alejandro. They had a fight earlier, yelling at each in Spanish language, I knew they didn't want me to know what they were talking about but I suspected it was me.

I agreed to the condition without thinking, Marco allowed Eduardo the care he needed while I sat there, shaking and almost in tears. It seemed that only Mikel didn't know Josephine, I supposed he was not there when it happened.

Alejandro and Carlos continued ranting even though I asked them to leave the room. What was the big deal in going to Marco Mancini's house anyway? I supposed he wanted to see me for something but what was so important that would make Carlos and Alejandro fight so much? They seemed to be very close, so I didn't expect them going at each other like that.

"Ma'am," I looked at Lisa, I thought she would be in her quarters by now, maybe one of the men woke her up.

I looked back at Eduardo, feeling guilty for what happened to him. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that Eduardo protected me from being shot. He lost a lot of blood and due to the fact that it was not his first time of being shot, it was worse this time, I knew that he might die. I was in shock, if I touched him it would everything worse.

I accepted the tea from Lisa, "thank you Lisa," I muttered. She nodded, gave me a sad smile and walked out of the room. I did not know how to explain my feelings, I just sat there watching them work on him, wondering what Marco Mancini wanted from me.

Eduardo's Dandelion.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ