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The door slammed open and Aviva walked in with New clothes and fresh bruises, which made me frown. She walked toward the forty-bed and sat quietly.

I wanted to ask what he did to her, but I knew to mind my business. It did not concern me and even though I put her in her present predicament, my priorities were different. I had to get out of that cell and get out of wherever we were. Outside of Rio's reach.

Without an outsider's influence, it was impossible. The more time I spent rotting in the jail cell, the more I got worried about Benito's coup. I wondered what he was doing and why I was still sitting there.

"What did he do to you?" I finally asked her. She glanced up, stared at me, then she looked away, there was no expression on her face. It was blank meaning I clench my jaw, I hated the idea that he might have touched her. It made me regret all the more why I enter that car. I did not want her to be raped. She was a beautiful woman and I wished I could protect her even though I would never admit it loudly.

"Why are you asking? Happy about it?" I frowned, confused as to why she suggested that. "Why would I be happy you get raped?"

"Oh, so you cared about me now? Well, you should have thought of that before you dragged me into your mess!" she snapped at me.

"That is not the question I asked Aviva," this made her scoff. "You are so full of yourself! Look where we are and you are still acting like a king!"

"I am a king!" I snarled at her.

"a king?" she busted out laughing. I frowned feeling my jaw tick, she laughed heartily as if what I said was the funniest thing in the world.

"Oh, I am sorry... I should not be laughing in front of your royal majesty." she mocked. I looked away angrily. She was not far from the truth, I looked like a mess sitting there with a broken body and a nearly broken mind. I wished I was not merciful enough to that bastard. I should have killed him long ago, it would have saved me all the stress I was going through.

I needed to find a way out, he would kill me if I don't. But the problem was there was no way out, Rio made it impossible for me to even get enough food, and there was no strength to escape because of the constant beatings and torture my body was receiving.

I was strong but my body begged me for it to stop. I was sure it had been more than a week that we have been here and I was constantly on the verge of dying.

"I hope he did not touch you?" I questioned again, choosing to ignore what she thought.

"Why do you care anyways? Since we have been here you have done nothing but show that you do not like me, why are you asking?"

"I do not like anyone Aviva, I do not need to like you to make sure that you are alright."

She scoffed again as if she did not believe me. She turned to the other side, "I am fine. I will be fine with my idea. You cannot even apologize to meet about what you did, how do you expect that I just start talking to you as if we are long-term friends."

"I do not need you to that aviva, everything is a mess now and if we want to survive we have to rely on each other," I said against my better judgment. I did not need to rely on her to survive. She needed me more than I needed her but Aviva did not seem to believe that.

"Instead of apologizing for getting me in this me, you are saying this? Apart from the fact you have a broken leg and I am sure you will be crippled soon, how do you want to help me?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. I went silent thinking, I racked my brain but it bore no result. I sighed, I was just sitting on my hand here doing nothing. I was going to die Sooner or later.

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