Chapter Five

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Kagome sighed as she felt a twinge go through her wrist again. It was annoying being injured, and she couldn't heal it without getting suspicions from the regular humans around her.

Taking a deep breath she locked her car and made her way into the grocery store. It had been two days since she got hurt and since she hadn't gotten to finish shopping last time she was here...she needed to get it done.

She didn't have much food left at her home and needed to get things before she starved.

Grabbing a cart Kagome ignored the looks from people and made her way through the store picking up items on her mental list as she went down the aisles of food.

'This is going to be annoying' Kagome thought as she felt the looks and heard the whispers. She gave a small sneer as she turned into another aisle without looking and gasped.

She looked at the woman she almost hit and tilted her head to the side. She felt like the Doctor...

Blinking Kagome looked at the woman in apology, "I'm sorry. I should have paid more attention."

The woman gave a laugh, "It is fine. I wasn't paying that much attention myself." She gave her a look over, her gold eyes so much like Inuyasha's.

"I'm Esme Hale." She gave Kagome a smile, and held her hand out, "I never seen you before...are you new?"

Kagome smiled as she took Esme's hand, "No, I have lived here for a little over two years now...I just don't venture into town that much." She saw the confused look on the woman's face at how long she had been in town, "...My name is Kagome Higurashi..."

She saw the look of recognition on Esme's face.

"Esme, have you..." A male voice interrupted the two and Kagome looked to see a tall copper haired male walking towards them.

'He feels just like the other two' Kagome thought as she looked at the newcomer. She didn't know what they were, they weren't demons, but they sure weren't normal...then again she wasn't normal herself, so who was she to talk.

"Edward! Sorry, I got sidetracked." Esme smiled at the male, Edward, who just gave her a loving smile.

"It is fine..." He turned to Kagome and gave her a nod of his head, "Hello."

Kagome gave a hesitant smile, "Good Morning..." She didn't know how to feel about these people. They kept her on edge that was for sure, but she wanted to know why.

"Alice called and told us to pick up a few more things," Edward told Esme as he handed her a piece of paper.

Esme took the paper and read it over, her eyebrow lifting and looking at Edward, "is that everything?"

The two seemed to have a silent conversation almost, making Kagome look at them with suspicion.

Edward nodded his head, "That was it."

Esme shot Kagome a grin, "It seems we have to continue shopping. It was nice meeting you..."She paused before grabbing a pen and paper out of her purse and scribbling something on the paper and handing it to Kagome.

Kagome took the paper and looked at it, she saw numbers scribbled onto the paper and gave Esme a confused look.

"Its my phone number. If you want some company anytime, feel free to call me." Esme gave her a knowing look, "Being an outsider in this town isn't always easy."

Kagome gave Esme a genuine smile, it was hard to make friends in this town. It was one reason she kept to herself. She loved the town because of the Nature, but the people left much to be desired, "Thank you. I may take you up on your offer...have a good day."

Esme beamed, "You too! I hope to hear from you soon!" She turned to Edward, "Let us get the rest of the groceries and head home."

Edward nodded at Kagome, "Have a good rest of your day." He and Esme then moved to a different aisle.

Kagome looked down at the paper with Esme's number on it...'It seems like I may try to get to know them...they may not be human, but it would be nice to have a friend in this town.'

With that lasts thought Kagome continued on with her own shopping, not knowing that fate was truly against her.

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