Chapter Two

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Kagome blinked as she tore her eyes from butterscotch gold, the color she had always associated with Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. The color brought back many memories she would rather forget.

"Hello" his voice was warm and calm. It made Kagome relax and calm. Something she doesn't usually feel in the presence of other people...human or not.

"...'ello" Kagome muttered, glancing at his face before looking down at the floor. There was something predatory about this man. He gave off a calm front but Kagome could feel the animal underneath. It was aching to be set free.

A shudder went down her spine at this. She needed to be careful then. She might feel the want to relax in his presence but she couldn't. He could probably kill her before she even noticed.

"I heard you had an accident with...a klutzy individual, was it?" the Doctor asked, eyes holding curiosity as he looked at her. There was also something else in his eyes but Kagome couldn't identify it.

"Yes...that is correct..." She sighed, mind going back to the incident of a girl who couldn't walk without tripping on air, or so it seemed.

"I'm Doctor Cullen. I will be taking care of you today." He put the clipboard down and gave her a smile, "Why don't you tell me what exactly happened as I examine your injury." He pulled a chair to where she was sitting and waited for Kagome to hold out her arm as a go ahead to look at.

Kagome bit her lip as she felt him put pressure on certain parts of her wrist and arm, "I was at the grocery store, and was getting some vegetables. A girl, I believe, Isabella Swan, tripped over her own feet knocking me down and resulted me in falling on my wrist." Kagome gave a small scown as she thought of the girl.

There was a flash of recognition in Carlisle. That girl had been the reason Edward had run away to Alaska. It seemed like the girl really was something to be watched. She couldn't stay out of trouble.

Carlisle gently touched her wrist joints and sighed when he saw her flinch back. He flexed her fingers and could see she had discomfort doing that too. Letting go of her wrist he gave her a small smile, "Good news, it isn't broken..." he paused as he grabbed his clipboard, "The bad is a bad sprain. You won't want to use it very much in the next 6 weeks."

'Well...more like two weeks for me then.' Kagome thought as she listened to the Doctor talk and say she shouldn't use it much and keep from moving it that much. He was going to wrap it and that she should come in for a check up in about three weeks.

Kagome gave him a small smile as he started to wrap her wrist. She didn't know how to really react around him. She didn't know him...and she didn't know what he was. He wasn't a demon...that was for sure. There was a different feeling to him.

Mentally shaking her head she stayed still as she watched him carefully wrap her wrist. He was being really careful as if he was afraid he would hurt her if he put too much pressure on it.

"There you go." He gave her a blinding smile, causing a small dusting of red to stain her cheeks as he gently brushed his fingers over her wrist again before removing his hands.

"Thank You." She watched as he stood up and wrote some things on the clipboard before giving her another smile.

"You are okay to leave. Just follow the instructions and not use your wrist that much." He gave her a look as he knew she would use it.

She gave him a nod and watched as he left, a strange feeling came to her as she watched him leave. Putting a hand on her chest Kagome frowned and rubbed the spot over her heart as she glanced at the door the blonde haired doctor left through just moments ago.


Carlisle smelled her before he went into the room. The aroma was mouthwatering and had a hint of a smell he never thought he would smell again. The smell that reminded him of home. Of where he grew up and would never see again in the way he saw when he was human.

Before he entered the room he took a deep breath and almost purred. That scent was something he had been waiting to come across for a long time. His eyes darkened at the woman that could be on the other side of the door. He had waited so long.

To have her this close was almost driving him crazy with want. This wasn't a feeling he was used too. He was used to having control...and to have his beast this close to the surface at this was a little unnerving to him.

Closing his eyes he tried to calm himself. This woman wasn't a vampire so there was no way she would understand if he tried to take her in an examination room.

Shaking his head he straightened himself out before entering the room. When he entered his breath was taken away and he knew for sure without a doubt when his eyes connected to blue, that this woman was his.

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