Untitled Part 3

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Kagome laughed, as she gently kissed his lips. Her eyes filled with love as she was held in his strong embrace. She gave him a breathtaking smile as she stepped out of his embrace and moved to leave the room.

Carlisle gave her an indulgent smile as he followed her out of his office, "You really want to do this? I know how the gossip in this town can be..."

Kagome snorted as she slowly made her way down the stairs, "You say that as if I care what these small minded people of this town think..." She turned around as she took the last step on the stairs, "...I love you...nothing will change that...and I want the other woman of this to know that you are mine...and they need to back off. "

"Oh~ Someone is fisty!" A voice called out, as a blur made its way in front of Kagome.

Lifting an eyebrow to look at the vampire in front of her, "I'll show you fisty if you keep on using vamp speed to try to keep scaring me...I think I should be used to the speed by now..."

Emmett laughed, a cheeky grin in place, "But doesn't mean I can't keep trying. You look so cute when you're scared...like a kitten."

This earned him a glare from Kagome and a laugh from Carlisle who was now beside her causing her to jump and squeak because she didn't notice him move to stand by her.

"Carlisle! " she hit his chest, cheeks going red in embarrassment, "Don't encourage him!" This caused laughter to fill the house and Kagome to huff and walk off with her cheeks still red.


Gold eyes blinked before colors blurred and another scene came to her mind. The clores going black before starting to blur together again until the picture slowly came into the clear. She held her breath as she saw the second vision.


Kagome hummed as she sat on the couch a book in hand, Edward played the piano in the other room. He had been in a good mood ever since Kagome started to come over more.

She helped make the family feel whole, something they hadn't felt much. Edward went from what he was playing to what he got from Carlisle thoughts about Kagome, and what Kagome felt for Carlisle. This caused Kagome to pause in her reading and glance up to the paiano.

'Something new?' Kagome thought as she stayed silent letting the music wash over her. She closed her eyes and smiled as he continued to play.

'Its beautiful.' Kagome thought she put her book down and continued to listen to the music. Carlisle who came in from the grade smiled as he took his work coat off and took in his mate.

"I see you two are getting along just fine." Carlisle grinned as he walked closer to Kagome and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

Kagome smiled, eyes shining, "We are fine...and welcome home."

With a gasp Alice was back in the livingroom of their home. Jasper, her mate was looking at her with worry,as did Rose and Emmett.

"Are you alright Alice? What did you see?" Jasper questioned his mate, wondering what had her in a vision one after another. That is something that didn't happen often.

Alice only smiled, and laughed joyfully. This caused the other three to really wonder what Alice had seen. They hadn't seen her this happy after a vision in a long time.

Grinning glanced at her siblings, "it seems like Carlisle finally found what he has been looking for..." A genuine smile game to her lips as her gold eyes held such job.

The family would finally be a step closer to being complete.

In Alaska Edward sat against a tree looking toward the direction of Forks. He wanted to go home, but he didn't know if he could resist if he went back.

He didn't want to disappoint Carlisle...but he had a feeling if he didn't go back he would be missing something big.

Giving a sigh he watched as the snow fell. His mind tormented on thoughts about an Isabella Swan and the smell of her tempting blood.


Glancing at the direction of the voice he gave a small smile, as he smelled her get closer, and gave a small hum when a flash blurred until a figure sat on the tree brance with him.

"Hello love." Edward mumbled, as his gold eyes took in the form of his mate. She was the other reason he didn't just go and kill the girl, he didn't want to see the disappointment in her gold eyes.

'How are you doing?' she asked silently as she gently put a hand on his cheek. Her eyes held worry and he gave her a smile as he tried to not think about Forks.

Edward put his hand on his mates, which was still on his cheek and took her hand and gave it a kiss, "I am fine Esme, no need to worry. I just needed some more time to think..." They had been in Alaska for almost a week...he sighed when he heard her thoughts about wanting to go home. That he was strong enough.

Pulling Esme into his lap he took a deep breath,taking in her scent, "We will go home tomorrow." He could literally feel the happiness come from his mate when he said this. He felt bad that he made her this sad from being away from the rest of the family.

'Thank you' Esme leaned back into Edward and closed her eyes as she felt the joy of soon being reunited with the rest of the family. She didn't like to be away from them for long.

Edward only took another deep breath and closed his eyes as he rested his head against the cook of her neck. He only hoped, that even with them going back he could resist his singer.

He would have to take one day at a time.

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