Chapter 6

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Later At McKinley
In The Auditorium

Rachel, Jesse, Blaine, Quinn, and Finn were on the stage. Puck and Brittany left the group to join Sue's team. Rachel walks up to the microphone with a smile. "We would just like to say that although we find ourselves on opposite sides, we hope you enjoy our number and we look forward to seeing yours as well." Rachel said to them. "Enough with the jibber-jabber. Sing something!" Sue yelled at her. "Sue, you can't talk to kids that way." Will said to her looking at her. Sue pretends to be sorry, placing her hand on her mouth and Will is exasperated.

Tell me
How I'm supposed
To breathe
With no air

Will's Group
Air, air

"Okay that it come on. She had her chance." Sue said snapping her fingers. "Everybody up" Sue's kids stands up beside Jamey and Sebastian. "We're leaving" Sue said looking at them. "I'm sorry. Is there a fire?" Finn asks her making Sue turns to him. "No, and that's the point. There is no fire." Sue said to him and Will was getting annoyed. "You know, it's sad enough that my Sue's Kids are living in squalor." Sue said walking to Will. "My dad's a dentist." Mercedes said to her. "But for you to drag 'em in here and bore 'em to death? I won't stand for it. Come on, kids. Out. We're goin' for Coneys. My treat" Sue said looking at Will. "All right, that's it!" Will yelled throwing his book on the floor and he stands up in fury. "Really?" Sue said looking at Will. "You know what, Sue? You've been pretty honest about your feelings for me... so let me return the favor. You're rude, Sue. You have no class, and you are a terrible teacher!" Will yelled at her. "I'll have you know I have my Ph.D." Sue said pointing at Will. "You got it online, Sue!" Will yelled at her. "You are a failed performer, Will. You weren't good enough to make it in the real world. You're not even good enough to run this stupid little club that nobody cares about." Sue said looking at the teens who were hurt by her words. "Time after time, Will, you fail!" Sue yelled looking at Will again. "You spend every waking moment of your life figuring out ways to terrify children to try to make you feel better about yourself and the fact that you're probably gonna spend the rest of your life alone!" Will yelled at her while walking over to her, Sue pushed Will away from her. "How dare you talk to me like that!" Sue yelled at him, Will points his finger at her. "Don't you even..." Will said to her. "Don't you point your finger at me!" Sue yelled at him. "Enough!" Finn yelled making them look at him. "I'm sorry, Mr. Schue...Miss Sylvester, but if we wanted to hear Mom and Dad fight...those of us who still have two parents would just stay home on payday." Finn said to them. "I agree. Glee Club is supposed to be fun. And furthermore, I don't like this minority business. I may be a strong, proud black woman, but I'm a lot more than that. I'm out." Mercedes said and she storms out. "M..Me too." Tina said standing up and leaves with Mercedes. "Fellow Glee Clubbers, it would be an honor to show you how a real storm-out is done." Rachel said to them and she looks at her sister. "I encourage you to follow my lead." Rachel said and walks off the stage with Jesse, Blaine, Quinn, and Finn following her. Puck, Matt, and Mike with Artie by picking up his wheelchair.

Everyone was in the choir room, listening to Will. "Because you're all minorities. You're in the Glee Club. Now, there are only 15 of you. And all you have is each other. So it doesn't matter that Rachel is Jewish..." Will said making Rachel smile. "Or that Rachel's siblings are singing a lot." Will said to them making Jesse, Jamey, and Sebastian look at each other. "Or that Finn is..." Will said looking at Finn. "Unable to tell my rights from my lefts" Finn said making everyone laugh. "Sure. Or that Santana is Latina..." Will said looking at Santana who smiles at him. "or that Quinn is..." Will said pointing at her. "Pregnant." Sue said making everyone look at Sue while Jesse, Jamey, and Sebastian look at Quinn who was looking at Sue, stunned. "Sorry, Q. It'll be all over the blogosphere by this afternoon. Now everybody knows...including me." Sue leaves the room, leaving everyone shocked.

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