Queen Bitch

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Flying down the track I see Aiden keeping up with me

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Flying down the track I see Aiden keeping up with me. When we reach the 1st turn I skid the car around and push the petal to the floor, making my car go faster than Aiden's. I smile as I see his car behind me. I stop him from getting in front of me by copying his movements.

I forget about the upcoming curve and nearly crash into the wall, but turned in time to see Aiden gain 1st place. Rushing to catch up I push my booster, getting pushed back into the seat I fly down the track speeding past Aiden, I wave at him as I go past just to piss him off some more.

Flying past the finish line I stop and wait for Aiden to get out of his car so I can rub in my win, I wanna see his angry face. He gets out and walks over while I smirk. 
"What happened to beating me? All bark no bite, hey!" I say poking his shoulder jokingly

"Shut up, Idiot you almost died. Are you that blind you can't see a fucking wall right in front of you?" He said getting close to me yelling.

"What the fuck is your problem! I'm fine don't get your panties in a whirl" I yell back in his face. I hear our heavy breathing and huff before turning away. I jump in my car and find Codi to get my money. Handing him a couple wads of cash before racing home in anger.

What was his problem! I can not believe the ball's he has to yell at me. UH I'm so fucking pissed I cant sleep so instead I rush to the gym to train and get my frustration out on something not breathing. 

I get changed into my sport pants and bra. Driving to the gym was silent, no car's on the road makes me floor it down the last stretch for a little thrill. I quickly unlock the door to see no one here, I became friends with Mark, the owner of the place when he saw how good I was and offered me the key in return for a favor.

NOT that favor! Just to babysit his kids when he wants to take his wife on dates. I walk in and turn the back lights on so people outside don't know I'm in here and start to warm up.

After a couple of hours Mark walks in and pulls me away from the boxing. "Morning, I see your angry about something" He said taking my focus from  the bag. "Yeah some annoying guy had the audacity to yell at me" I say kicking the bag remembering last night with Aiden.

"You didn't kill him? Right, I know how you get when your angry." He said questionly with horror hidden behind his statement. I turn and glare at him.

"No, I did not kill him. No need to worry theirs no body to hide" I say walking over to my bag to look at the time. It was about 4 when I got here, and now its.....7am. WHAT the fuck where did the time go. 

"Uhh...hey I really need to go before I'm late to school" I say quickly grabbing my bag and running out the door. "Say hi to the girls for me!" I yell back to Mark.

I arrive late to school after going home and showering. I rush inside going to my first class gym. Now I really regret going to work out this morning, my body is aching and Ms. Phera does not go easy in class.

"Hurry up guys, we need to finish these warm ups before the end of class or your all doing over time. Go, Go, GO!" I hear her screaming at the class as I walk in. I try to hide and blend into the kids running laps around the gym but my luck's shit today.

"Ah, Miss. Harlow have you decided to join us today?" She asks coming over to me. I sigh and accept my fate looking around, everywhere but her. "Sorry Ms. I didn't mean to be late, I... overslept?" I say.

Looking around I see Aiden and the boys running ahead of the group keeping a steady pace while watching my exchange with the teacher, his eyes lock with mine for second and I quickly turn away still annoyed at him.

"Detention for being late and extra laps, Go NOW" she yells and I start running full speed to get the extra laps over in a short amount of time. Catching up quickly but staying as far away from Aiden as I can.

He quickens his pace slowly catching up to me, making me run faster and faster to stay away. I don't want to talk to him today. But when a foot trips me I land face first into the floor. The class laughing loudly. 

I'm fuming at this point, I jump up and see Aubry standing their smirking like she just won a prize. Well lucky for her today isn't going well, I throw a punch straight to her stupid caked up face and hit her square in the jaw. Hearing a satisfying crunch. 

"Ms. did you see that, Harlow just hit me!" Her whiney voice rings through the gym. Making me even more annoyed this bitch wants to put the blame on me like she didn't just trip me.

I'm getting ready to throw another punch when I'm pulled into a hard chest and my arms are trapped by my side. I squirm and kick trying to get to this little σκύλα (Bitch),

His scent hits me and I immediately know whose holding me and I stop kicking, "Let me go Aiden, so I can hurt this spoilt brat!" I yell seeing Aubry glaring at me in Aiden's arms.

"Aiden why are you helping her! I'm the one hurt" Aubry squeaks to Aiden. While I finally put the pieces together. She wants to fuck the fresh meat, since she's run her course with the rest of the school.

I laugh at her as she squirms around on the floor crying while cradling her broken jaw. Aiden's arms loosen around me as I turn and pull him down whispering into his ear to piss her off more.

"I think you have an admirer, be careful she's full of STD's" hearing him hide a laugh at the last part. I'm flush against him and can feel his chest rise and fall at our closeness. I pull back and smirk at Aubry before going to the office with Aiden close behind.

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