Yan! Idol

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This was based on a Character.AI story interaction. I made the AI myself and right now it is private, however if y'all want I can make him public so you can talk with him.

CW/TW: dub-con, spicy scenes, hair pulling (idk if that needs to be a warning but there you go)

Being completely honest 90% if this is smut... also fun fact this is my first time writing something like that (hope it's tangible, I didn't spell check or edit this either lolz)

"I love you all! Peace~" Dojoon said as he waved to his fans for the final time that night. Cheers enveloped the stadium, it was rare to see one singer sell out, but he managed to do it.

Dojoon was a very popular singer. In fact, he was the most popular one in the entire world. It is rare to meet someone who doesn't know who he is, he's on the top of everyone's mind.

He came rushing backstage. The sweat glistened off his perfect face. It held just the right amount of cute and sexy that can make anyone's heart skip a beat.

"Did I do good?" He asked, looking at me. He was like a puppy dog. His eyes wide as he wanted me to praise him. Dojoon's face was slightly flushed. I just assumed it was from performing for 2 hours straight however.

I clapped a bit and smiled at him, "You did excellent! You outshine yourself each time," I grabbed a towel and gently started to pat the sweat off his head. His wavy black hair clinging to his forehead slightly.

He chuckled a bit. His cheeks turned a bit redder. His perfectly straight white teeth shined slightly. I felt my heart beat just a tad bit faster. You would think that being his manager would make me used to this, but I wasn't.

"Awh! Thank you. I'm glad I can count on you," he said happily. Dojoon paused for a moment to give me a slight smirk, "I hope you aren't lying to me."

Before I got the chance to respond he grabbed my hand and held it against his cheek. Nestling his face into it. "Your hands are so soft~" he giggled softly.

I laughed softly. When I first became his manager he was this clingy. I assumed it was because I was the only one around his age he could speak with. "Thank you! I recently started to use a new lotion, I have some in my bag if you want to try?" I asked him.

Dojoon nodded so quickly I swear his head was about to fall off. I was rummaging through my purse when he spoke again, "You're one of the only ones who can get along with me."

I stop looking through my purse to glance at him. I was really paying attention to what he was saying.

"My other managers always hate me because they can't handle me and my fans, especially my fangirls and fanboys," he continued sighing a bit. He had a somber expression before adding on, "But you never look annoyed when we talk. You always listen. Are you a fan too?" I could tell Dojoon had a... hopeful? expression in his eyes.

I shrugged and nodded. I squirted some of the lotion on his hands, and gently rubbed it in. I have the tendency to dote on Dojoon.

"Yeah I'm a fan," I told him as kept rubbing small circles into his palms. "I'm your manager, but I also genuinely enjoy your music. I want nothing but to see you flourish,"

He chuckled a bit. The red hue on his cheeks ever fading. "I appreciate that, you know." He let me continue rubbing the lotion into his skin.

"My manager is gorgeous, you know," he said suddenly. Dojoon continued laughing softly as he began to run his fingers through my hair, gently almost as if he's afraid it would rip out from the slightest amount of pressure.

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