A Two, a Five and a One

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Three days before the concert had arrived, the young boy Arthur was once again in his living room, although this time the house was completely vacant of anyone but himself.

His mind and heart set on the appointed task of getting ready for the big night. His hands hitting the black grand piano in the middle of the large room. The shine from the setting sun hitting its smooth surface giving it a most lovely look. Arthur sat up straight moving his hands and his head as he played over the white unblemished keys, with the black sharp keys complementing the beauty of the piece.

Arthur was no prodigy in his own right, neither would any say he had the most talent of his class but, what he had was dedication to playing beautiful music, a love and passion which was unmatched.

No matter which piece he played, at the end if it was just him. He'd always finish with a most common and easy progression. The 2-5-1 which can be used in various bossa nova pieces and jazz as well.
It was his favorite to play, so simple he would tell himself but always lovely, always reliable.

As he finished practicing and improvising towards the end, enjoying himself he heard a knock on the door. He went to go answer it as he crept the hollow doorway along the wooden floor.

He peered his left eye to look at the one who knocked. He stepped back and gasped for a moment. "Eli!"he mumbled under his breath and swung the door open.

"Hey! Don't mean to bother. Just wanted to come and hang out for bit ya know" the one called Eli declared in a very casual tone.

"Don't worry about it" Arthur replied with a smile and the two went in for hand shake and slight hug.

Eli removed his shoes as he stepped in talking to his friend Arthur. "It always feels so fresh in here, like really peaceful" Eli said while looking around the house.
Arthur who had lived there all his life never really noticed replied. "Really?? Never noticed and sorry if it's kinda of dirty.. so" his right arm was behind his lower back and his eyes lowered when he uttered those words.
Eli who's eyes turned wide spoke loudly. "WHAT!! It looks clean, this is why I can't ever have you over my place. You'd probably have a heart attack" he chuckled as he said that and Arthur did too.

The two enjoyed talking and drinking soda as they were in the kitchen. After a brief moment of silence, Eli look over to his left and saw a grand piano in the middle of the living room. He looked towards Arthur who was on his phone for a brief moment.

"Hey" he said and Arthur peered up. Eli began smiling in a very mischievous way. Arthur squinted his eyes and said "hmm, what are you up to now?"

The tall and slender brown haired boy stood a little higher in his seat. "So have you talked to her?"

After a brief moment. "Of course!" And Eli who was surprised couldn't hide it and got up from his seat. "REALLY!!?" He said loud enough for his voice to reach the entire house.

With a smirky reply, the blonde haired pianist looked up at his friend smiling. "Not..." he began laughing and as he was two hands grabbed him from his shoulders and started shaking him back and fourth.

"Don't play around like that!" He said as he shook his helpless friend who dropped his phone. "YOU DONT HAVE MUCH TIME" he said in a choppy tone trying to get his point across.

After that he stopped shaking him, Arthur went to retrieve his phone. He sighed a deep breath, a breath that all youth, all young boys and men could relate to. "Well" he said adding a little too many "ohhh's" and "umm's"

"What excuses do you have for me today I wonder" Eli said as he rolled his eyes upward. Arthur began scratching his thin hair.

"Well you see... I'm just can't! I'm too shy and I'm pretty sure every other guy likes her as well"

Without hesitation Eli yelled "AND?!?"

I'm a tone of defeat he replied. "And... im too shy and awkward man. I can't do it. I'm not good with girls at all"
"I get too nervous and what if she rejects me. There's just way too many thing that go through my head" after those words. He walked around the kitchen and began to lay on the floor.

"It's the same with everything sometimes. I tend to overthink every little thing I guess"

Eli trying his best sympathize with his friend nodded. " don't worry too much about it brother, we all go through different things, I'm a little prideful and stubborn myself. That's my fault" he said and continued and Arthur seemed to sit up higher in his seat.

"But you..." after those words were said, the curious Arthur tilted his head and asked "but me what?" Demanding and answer. "But your humble and nice ya know. Nothing wrong with that. I'd bet your the nicest person I know if I'm being honest with ya" he said.

After those words left the young boy called Eli. Arthur felt a relief within his soul and heart, as if he's been waiting for those words all his life. Simple yet it filled him with a joyful emotion.

"Aww, thanks man. I really appreciate it and you too!!! You're an awesome guy and I'm glad to have you as my friend" he smiled as he uttered those words.
His heart felt glad. Just those simple words. Nothing over the top, nor complex but a simple complement made Arthur see the world more brighter.

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