The blonde haired pianist

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"Alright! Next we have mister Arthur who will be performing his piece today", said the teacher who had thick black hair that ran down to the lowest point of her spine.
She looked towards the one called Arthur who seemed to a little to jittery as he walked towards the black bench. She began to sigh as she adjusted her glasses.
"Arthur" she said. The blonde haired boy looked up immediately with wide eyes and, with his top lip bitten by the bottom.
"It's only a rehearsal, calm your nerves and relax" she said with a much softer tone this time.
The young boy took a deep breath as he put his music sheets in order, he closed his eyes and with one last movement placed his skinny pale fingers across the elegant white keys.

His teacher and all the students who were seemingly talkative held their tongues for the moment as they watched their classmate prepare himself.
The seconds passed by, the clouds of the earth shifted to a halt, the birds outside quieted it seemed.
Just as the silence began to fill the room with tension and unrest, the first keys were played.
The boy thought to himself" A beautiful chord to start the dance of a beautiful melody" his frown began to change into delight and his face softened just like eyes after a passing cloud shaded them from the bright sun.

He thus pressed his left hand through the first key of E flat with his pinkie and moving up along the scale in a waltz. His right hand giving the deep waltz like theme, much needed melody, a melody of romance the young man thought.

The class and the teacher most of all who smiled and she closed her eyes to hear the notes of the piece being played. Each notes being played with strong passion and conviction, as if his very soul giving itself into pieces with each note played.

"If only he could be like this all the time" she thought to herself.
As the piece was reaching the end, the intensity picked up from the elegant piece. The notes began ascending their noise like a fierce wind, and then descending like a crescent moon in the far distance as the final notes were played.

After he finished he looked up to see the his teacher with a faint smile and the student in awe of the playing. "OH!" He said out loud, "Nocturne opening 9 number 2 from Chopin" their was a hint of embarrassment in his voice but his honey brown eyes were filled with pride in his playing. The student in their seats chuckled for a moment.

The teacher who usually always had much critique about him smiled in a friendly manner and chuckled a bit. "That was wonderful, you were a little too fast a times, but with a little more practice, you'll have it down for next weeks concert".

"Thank you mam"! He said, and walked back over to his seat with his gaze towards the ground. As he took his seat he smiled to himself and some of the students gave him their support.
But as they did, he glanced over to his far left. I front of his eyes was a young lady with light brown hair and fair skin. As he looked intently she looked over his way but, his gaze lost the battle and looked away immediately.
Before the next student started, he got up and raised his voice with little confidence. "Excuse me mam" he said twice until another student helped him out. "Yes?" She said as she turned around.

"Pardon but, may i use the restroom mam"?
"Why yes of course, go right ahead young man" she replied. The boy named Arthur walked to the rest with a bit of haste in his step and went straight to the sink.
He washed his face "don't let it get to your head, don't let it get to your head" he told himself over and over.
"I just happened to get lucky" he said as his happiness began to fade back into his heart once more. His confident posture began to disappear and his slouched back to his chair and heard the next pieces being playing but, his heart was far far away.

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